Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Need Help With Ap Lab # 5

UK: pump phynance

more heavenly paradises

_The G20 pledged : we went to see what was going to see ...
They said: "It's over! Never again
But clearly saw Jacques Attali : "The Anglo-Saxons have not deleted the havens They have eliminated their competitors'
- " City of London is one of the key hubs in money laundering. Install Britain righteous among the nations is therefore equivalent to placing a brothel madam in a jury award of virtue " (Cuénot)
_ You'd think a real time questioned
But no, it was a decoy . Yet Ms Merkel di
t : "No actor, no market, no product should be exempt from regulation. "
__ " It was an n September 2009, full financial storm ... The French President was trying to force the destiny against his counterparts es G20. stroke of genius or bluff? Observer accurate financial channels, Xavier Harel louse looks r the second hypothesis. Substantiation. The most convincing is that based on the activity analysis of offshore markets. Unlike ideas received, these countries with very low tax live mainly thanks to large companies and not individuals tax evaders. Example (p. 85) with the industry trusts Jersey: 903 companies and trusts set up on the Channel Island in 2007. In late 2006, the think tank Tax Analysts evaluate their stock at $ 450 billion ; Only one third of these investments, $ 138 billion, is the fact particuliers._ Another example: the United States, 700 billion on profits earned abroad in 2004, companies have paid 16 billion dollars in taxes, a real rate tax of 2.3%! Against a standard tax rate of 35% ... looking for erreur_ " is the real scandal, as it is one we do not speak, is the use by large companies in tax havens to house their benefits and pay as little tax as possible . "

_The pump operates again phynance well City
Without comp lexe: the United Kingdom is a great tax haven

" Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown had surprised in 2009 by its aggression towards tax havens. A set of decisions confirm now that his successor David Cameron intends to further develop the role of the London market as a tax haven. A first step is to attract the most affluent in the United Kingdom by offering anything less than specific migration laws. Until now, a foreigner can not obtain a permanent residence (and tax benefits that go with it for its revenue outside the UK) after 5 years. From April, this constraint will no longer be restricted to those unable to move more than one million pounds (1.2 million). Those who arrive with 3 million benefit from the status in 3 years and 10 million or more it will take more than 2 years! .. businesses are not forgotten. First is the government's desire to reduce the tax rate on profits from 28% currently to 24% in 2014. But a big extra gift is en route to the biggest and most internationalized of them. Current UK law states that foreign affiliates pay taxes of course foreign governments e t if the parent wants to repatriate the remaining British profits in England, it must pay in taxes on profits the difference between the foreign rate and the rate of 28% British. The government hopes that this measure be deleted. It only remains for British companies to expand their already large presence in tax havens - the top 20 companies will have more than 1000 affiliates - to locate their profits offshore and repatriate all tax free! A tax scandal ... As we had shown in 2006 with Ronen Palan (and even more in 2010 here) , the United Kingdom is the first global tax haven. The any remarkable new book by Nick Shaxson came to make so much more powerful demonstration. After a phase cooperative fight against tax havens by the end of the Labour government of Gordon Brown, the current coalition led by the conservative strategy revives the parasite that has long been that of the United Kingdom ... "
__The half financial markets depend more or less than Britain
Some elites set an example.
The moralization announced financial wait ... Sarkozy goes to war, but forget your neighbor across the Channel, while condemning ... Costa Rica!
can still do your shopping on the net ..
Drawing N. Vadot


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