Thursday, February 17, 2011

Have A Nice Wedding Card

A little pesticide ...

In your plate?

FR3 A great show on Wednesday night.
Edificant in more ways than one. It was unfortunately not followed as scheduled too late.

We talk a lot, but we do not know enough because it does not fall within the meaning: it's in our plates, beneath the surface, at the hour of ultra-productivist agriculture, whose objectives are quantitative and not qualitative, since the "agricultural revolution" of the 50s?
is our health and that of our children is at stake ..
The title of this documentary seems to go against common sense: Eat can affect our health?
Features HERE.
The question does make sense if one asks how are the products we con
summon, based mainly grain, meat, fish ...
- " Led by several journalists in France and Norway, the survey targets including wheat and apples, accompanied their harmful pesticides, in particular for children. Side meat, pork is in sight: they consume half of all antibiotics in France! Finally, salmon from Norway, our country, with 136,200 tonnes consumed in 2010, is the largest export market for the fish meal fed to s Fish and vegetable oils. _ Whereas before World War II ate naturally organic the food industry selling products with risk of obesity and cancers in the key, but "nothing is irreversible," the survey concludes. It provides some ideas: eat organic (but not ideal), yielding flax (rich in omega 3) animals, reduce the consumption of meat, use canola oil, prefer bread enriched with flaxseed ... And eat small fish, less rich in toxins. "
_The outcome of the investigation is astounding " blood analysis Isabelle Saporta reveals an incredible number of products Chemical pesticide residues, heavy metals or even DDT. For the experts meeting on the occasion of the film, it's not a surprise: No ur diet exposes us to multiple substances, potentially carcinogenic. "These are standard assays, which would be the same for all French people," says toxicologist Picot._Isabelle Andre Saporta is a party in search of these substances in are fields and farms. Eat an apple, a priori healthy gesture, becomes much less reassuring when we learn that the producers sprinkle of 26 treatments before harvesting and found five different pesticide residues when analyzed. " Every day, a French absorbs twenty to thirty different pesticides residues " warning Francis Veillerette of association Future Generations. "

Pesticides es are real bombs .

Following errors of our agriculture, we consume products that tomorrow will turn against us.

Ending agriculture essentially productivist and exporter. There is an urgent need to reinvent agriculture different.

The meat "a gogo" leads to dead ends. Farmers p ERDU their bearings.


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