Monday, January 31, 2011

Gia Mancini Tickled Feet Forum

Youth unemployment

Young people are not on track ...

_ Some notes on the issue _

If we can trust the statistical bazaar on real unemployment figures , we note that the unemployment Young despite slight decline, is particularly important and disturbing in France.
No indication decline in the near future, especially as employment problems worsen.

" Thirty years of employment policy and to no avail: the unemployment rate for 15-24 year olds in France remained at over 18%, or more than 7 points above the average other rich countries, according to the OECD, which makes recommendations in a report published mercredi._La France is one of the sixteen countries under scrutiny since 2006 by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on the theme " Jobs for Youth ." With 18% unemployment average among those aged 15-24 in 2008, France was the 23rd of 30 in the OECD rankings. The crisis has boosted the rate to 21.2 % Q4 2008, overseas incluse._Selon OECD, France youth " may be most affected by the crisis " because the economic difficulties they face " reflected in a largely problems of a more structural " .
__Bien course must be qualified: it must consider that young people could be employed. A number of studies are sometimes long, but a large proportion of them have a part-time work, which is not conducive to the achievement of diplomas in quality conditions and optimum time.
. . All the studies show, the degree is still the best protection against unemployment, but the phases of the scarcity of employment lead to deskilling of jobs, more graduates accepting positions occupied in phases economic boom by graduates of intermediate levels, at the end of this chain are the least qualified suffer the most from the downturn. The conditions for graduation are very important. In countries where there is a close link between academia and the workplace, that is to say the company, the rate of youth unemployment is much lower than in the other. For example, the Netherlands and Denmark 40% of youth aged 15 to 29 are employed, 20% continued with their studies without having a job simultaneously, over 30% are pursuing studies in occupying employment and less than 10% are unemployed and do not attend school. In France, by contrast, 37% are employed, 40% are studying without taking up employment, less than 10% are enrolled in a job, but 12% are unemployed and not pursuing studies ... "

__The RSA young was a measure to fail by its terms draconian
. .. The RSA youth, promoted by Martin Hirsch , then High Commissioner for Active Solidarity was a key measure of the plan Nicolas Sarkozy Action for Youth, presented in September 2009. But his failure was in his genes. To qualify for this measure, youth aged 18-24 must have worked at least two years full-time over the last three years. In other words, while 150 000 young people each year out of school without qualifications, applicants must have RSA youth began to enter the market of travail._M. Hirsch had pleaded in vain for an easing of access to the RSA this young. M me Bachelot, who, in a nice euphemism, speaks of "a very gradual ramp-up" , highlights the 16 000 applications were filed in mid-December 2010. But the fact is there. Jean-Louis Deroussen, President (CFTC) of the National Family Allowances Fund (CNAF), says that on average a record in three refused and questioned the "stringent conditions of eligibility" . Far from being a passport to inclusion, the RSA is young a precarious device that fails to emerge under 25 years of insecurity ... "
_______________________________ How to help out so many youth precarious when it tends to become Rule in the world of adult work? Our youth is sick of not being able to build ...

Intitle : I-catcher Console-web Monitor

Increases in agricultural prices

Agricultural commodities soar

_________Dangereuse price volatility

_ We see today in Tunisia and Egypt: the rise in food prices was partly originally events that we follow from afar. Since the increase in wheat prices was a cause of the outbreak of the Revolution French. The riots return regularly. In Africa particular. That's all, than a shortage.
There is no inevitability to higher prices. Nor famines. Even if we can put forward deficits productions accidental or structural, is the organization of markets international level is concerned. Speculation and deregulation are the two main causes phenomenon. Which recurs in recent decades. Agriculture was largely sacrificed on the altar market. The FAO acknowledged. A Davos, there was timidly hint ...

__Mêmes causes, same effects : "The share of speculators in food markets partly explains the continued rise in prices since the summer of 2010. Foodstuffs have become like other financial assets .. . We remember in 2008 images of "riots." Since almost nothing on our screens, even if the number of undernourished has soared and exceeded one billion. Above all, the causes of the outbreak prices have been suppressed in any way. It is no wonder that the world may know again the same phenomenon, with a continued rise in food prices since last summer and a price index is now higher than in 2008. Just like to express the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier de Schutter, we live the beginning of a food crisis similar to 2008.
_Difficile not point first major responsibility of the United States and the European Union in the decline in cereal stocks
world, and so the upward trend in prices. Also difficult not to emphasize the role of biofuels , who turned over a third of corn production in the United States last year. The land allocated to them are much less land available for soybeans or wheat, which explains the corresponding increase in world prices, directly related to U.S. prices ... "

__"... Today as in 2008, there is no shortage . But when information on fires in Russia, a heat wave in Ukraine, excessive rains in Canada or other accumulated, some market participants prefer not to sell immediately, while buyers seeking to buy as much as possible. If everyone did that, prices rise. In this phenomenon coupled with the increased production of biofuel. United States, the share of corn production for ethanol this year will be 38.3%, against 30.7% in 2008. In the present context is completely irresponsible to go on! Global stocks of grain - all cereals in 2011, will be 427 million tonnes, against 489.8 in 2009. This loss of almost 63 million tonnes is attributable to more than two-thirds in the United States and the European Union. It where supplies are tightest. And it is largely due to the diversification of production of grain to biofuels ... "
___________________ For Paul Jorion " ... Speculation runs markets futures or forward, that is to say where the players set a price today for a transaction that will occur in a few months. Originally, this should allow traders to hedge against price changes. But today, between two thirds and 90% of transactions emanating speculators. There are two approaches speculative: investors 'long' traders and opportunistic. The first usually buy shares in "fund long" consisting of "baskets" of commodities, including especially agricultural products and rely on a long-term upward price, relying on structural factors such as increasing the Chinese demand. These investors can especially coming on the commodities market to hedge against a falling dollar. This strategy generates a systematic long trend of rising course. _The second category is that of opportunistic traders who enter and leave continuously market to take advantage of price changes. They alternate and long positions (long) and short (short) depending on whether prices rise or baissent__ ... (Nicolas Sarkozy spoke Monday a trader who had bought 15% of world cocoa stocks ) ... Yes: Anthony "Chocfinger Ward! There is not, strictly speaking, but speculation of grabbing . The "dealer", as they call him who has truly Product or is able to take delivery is not a bet by buying or selling contracts on the futures market but intervenes directly in the physical market. If there is such a climate problem that will weigh on supply of cocoa, the trader should buy and store a large volume to further reduce supply and raise prices before selling. Today certain investment funds are both grabbing than speculation. We now know that the U.S. investment bank Bear Stearns example was the two on the market money in 2008 ... "
-price volatility and food crises
- No speculation on raw materials ..

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Do I Get My Camera To Work On Oovoo

USA: Egyptian thorn

An air of freedom blowing in the Mediterranean

______USA in trouble

__Il something happens on the banks of the Nile.
Effect Tunisian Yes and no.
Cairo is Tunis.
A dislocation which is still difficult appreciate the true scale, become the outcome.
" I never experienced anything like what I saw Tuesday. Egyptians are presented as passive people, but now they took to the streets, this means that the cycle of fear was broken. "said Hisham Kassem , a militant Egyptian human rights, quoted by the Daily Telegraph
A wall falls anyway. A page of history opens our eyes.
A challenge fear, despite the repression, the difficulty federate .

"Egypt is on the cusp of great change" , thinks the writer Alaa Al Aswany ( 1). This can be opened to great advances or risk a terrible regression. Such a scheme to bay is capable of anything. The worst is possible, but less and less likely ... The Egyptian army remains a powerful institution, even economically. It is divided, but determined. __
The Muslim Brotherhood , decimated, divided in crisis, apparently still can re-emerge from the shadows, stronger than ever. Social deprivation, which contributed to their success, not declining any time soon.
___Un volcano ready to explode long.
An autocratic power. Widespread corruption. Endemic poverty. A situation of acute crisis. A country empty stomachs . U No significant unemployment in the heart of the food crisis. A situation of
soaring prices, which was certainly the trigger, with the Tunisian example. "We bottomed " repeated many Egyptians.
sensitive effects in some neighboring countries. The Arab world seems to defy the wall of fear .

_________Mais ensure the U.S.. Partners like no other
Last night, Obama used the waffle inviting Mubarak to the restraint, but avoiding the issues that upset ... His team entangled in Egypt.
The United States is increasingly worried . Because, for Uncle Sam, this country has a high geo-strategic importance in the Middle East. Since Sadat, the Egyptian diplomacy has contributed from Washington, which earned him recognition and dollars. In exchange for "stability" provided at all costs, fight anti-Islamic, support the neighboring Israeli link, she has spared no help.
But it is not without contradiction ...
__The U.S. seems determined to unleash their "bastard" undiplomatic in the words used, according to some sources:
_"... The CIA has long had a saying for some of the characters lurk it supports, dictators or sources disorders: C is a bastard. But it's our bastard. "The United States these days are faced with the delicate position of whether to continue supporting" their "bastard in Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak.
__Depuis thirty years, he has always given all the pledges that Washington expects him peaceful relations with Israel, restricting Islamist always ready to host an international summit of crisis (Sharm El-Sheikh has probably seen more diplomats than any other resort in the world) and the secret CIA flights to interrogate prisoners difficult ... In return Mubarak has benefited from the largesse of the U.S. Federal Treasury 1.3 billion dollars in direct military aid per year and 28 billion dollars in development assistance since 1975.
_Longtemps the second recipient of funds from Uncle Sam behind Israel, Egypt has been relegated
guée fourth, not because the country has become less close, but because of other "allies" have grilled him unruly manners (Afghanistan and Pakistan). Thus, as anonymous says a former U.S. diplomat now working in private: "If the Egyptian army decides to pull the crowd to support the regime, it will do with guns and bullets American ... "
___________-Wikileaks teaches us things we never suspected the double play Washington. The U.S. call today "orderly transition"
_ ".. . " Washington knows that Arab opinion is overwhelmingly hostile to him. But at the same time, many U.S. diplomats are aware that it is precisely this support for repressive regimes that is the source of this anti-Americanism. It is enough to plunge in diplomatic cables revealed by Wikileaks to realize that U.S. envoys have blinders on the eyes permanence._ " exist within the State Department, some number of diplomats who are convinced that many Arab regimes can not hold by force, because they are corrupt and they deny the aspirations of their youth , "says former State Department. " Therefore, they believe that we must begin to disengage it and support the reform movements, even drop our usual allies . " (Mediapart )
_________________Israël, it supports and finances, feared to be more isolated if the Egyptian regime falls . The pressures are Tel Aviv may be very strong, despite a wait Diplomatic.
The army supports the Head of State, which emerged from its ranks, but do not want the son succeeds the father .
-The erasure of the father, if held, will not be smooth, even if Obama pushed gently toward the door. But he is resisting, a DIVERSONS that will not convince the mass of Egyptians. A chance for Baradei ?
The eventual successor will be able to lay the foundation for a fledgling democracy, and overcome the provocations , Avoiding the chaos. What will the army ?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Long After Ativan Drink

Mohamed Raouf Najar Ambassador of Trabelsi, can no longer represent Tunisia in Paris!

After gathering at the Consulate of Tunisia in Paris
rue de Lubeck, Mrs Jena
from 21/01/2011 11am-13h
which we call
we go to
Popular Rally
front of the Embassy of Tunisia in Paris
Friday, January 21, 2011 from 14h 30 to 23h 30
Metros: Varenne or St Francis Xavier
under the slogan:
Raouf Najar releases!
You do not understand: Tunisia is free!
All united to the peaceful liberation of the Embassy still occupied by the mafia
of Trabelsi and Ben Ali

Calling All Tunisians in France to come to attend many the release of the Embassy of the criminal hands of the old regime, such as Raouf Najar, known for its links with Leila Trabelsi and his clan!
is a shame for the Tunisian community to submit further authorities to the mafia then that the Tunisian people has spoken:
The Ben Ali regime and dictatorship, out of here!
Let us mobilize all peaceful until the total eviction of all the representatives of the old regime are still active or posted throughout the French are known for their active support to the Mafia and the RCD.
Al Thawra al-Nasr al Tounisiyya Hatta الثورة التونسية حتى النصر Tunisian Revolution until victory

Paris January 20, 2011 - Contact: 06 60 06 59 98

The Tunisian ambassador in Paris, Mohamed Raouf Najar is a cacique of the RCD scheme: the lawyer of Gabes was Minister of Youth and Sports, the first President of the Court of Auditors and Minister of Education before becoming ambassador. Below, his master at Carthage.

Best Colours For Acrylic Nails

Glory to the martyrs of the Revolution Tunisia!

We join three days of national mourning in memory of the martyrs of the Revolution Tunisia decreed by the Tunisian government on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. May the commemorations include all victims of dictatorships Bourguiba and Ben Ali, Salah Ben Youssef shaheed of fighters to the dignity of Ksar Hilal (1977), Gabes and Tunis (1978, 1984), those of Redeyef Gafsa, Soliman (2008), those of Sidi Bouzid, Thala, Kasserine, Ben Guerdane (2010-2011), not to mention the Commander Mohamed El Mansour, the computer Marouane Ben Zineb, the official Abdelaziz Ben Hamouda Muhouachi, Abdelraouf Laaribi, the student Abdelwahed Abdelli, students Degache Ameur, the postman Khiari Fathi, students Faisal Barakat, Chammakh Rashid, Ahmed Amri, Boubaker Kallal, Mabrouk rtime, Abderrazak Said, Adnan Said, Taib Khammassi Zohra Ettis, Slaheddine Babay, Zemzemi Mabrouk, Tarek Zitouni, Abdeljaouad Ibrahim Samir Talich, Mohsen Ben Abdallah Zaghdoud, Mouldi Ben Amor, and all and all those who have succumbed to the "Tunisian model of development."

How To Make Scandinavian Christmas Decorations

The heart of Marseille beats at the same rate as that of Tunis: Mohamed Al Durrah

Marseille, January 15, 2011: The Tunisians are afraid to speak

January 17, Tunisians invest Consulate in Marseille to hunt Benali, consul in head !
January 18, 2011: Citizens invest Tunisian consulate

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How To Remove Odor From Underwear

two anniversaries

Happy Birthday Seb! you've changed and guitar work, it can happen to good things:)
Since he has very large ears with piercings in, seb provides serious
(keys instead of strings that helps too?)

which is January, there are lots of birthdays so full of bubbles!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Template For Crocodile

a birthday

begins the series of anniversaries of January with my favorite of the American continent (and it's really great there)

Heloise then, I wish you a super happy birthday with a big cake and lots of mojitos! Fortunately we do not age, it gets better.
I am sure that this new candle will accompany you in a lot of new adventures, re decoration and Swedish cocktail at the distillery (with Ced and more). I dare ask the resumption of the blog?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Carolina, Ap Biology Lab 5 Answers

to start the year

epiphany and housework, it sums up the day ...

we swallowed two slabs of kings and tested KINECTS with my nephews. and then after sleep Express (it's extremely simple to nap in fact: just put any number of TF1, and off you go I sleep).

and here I do not really know what came over me, maybe the fact that I wanted myself paste from a year ago, I sorted my stuff. the kind of afternoon where we rediscovered treasures, like my old ipods, one ton 1 / 2 cables (including 3 / 4 are ethernet cables, and I do not know the value of the remaining quarter), old class pictures (m, you have not changed).
so I threw a bunch of old courses, packages of floppy disks (which still has a floppy drive?), And even my old nokia old old, whom they could lay down and roll over 3 times, not through the fart ... aaaah it was the prehistory of phones, it goes too fast my dear lady.
short I made room, all that power to squeeze ton of unsorted papers since ... everything.

I note because it does not happen often, about once a decade. cool, I'm quiet until 2021:)

otherwise, I wish a very happy new year to all to whom I could not say it in person!

2011, under the sign of love and ugly ties.