Monday, February 1, 2010

How To Do Dorito Salsa Dip

Yiquan: balance of xing and ming

The text that follows is a fragment of the work of Han xingqiao "Yiquan xue" ("The study of Yiquan" , personal translation) that I find particularly interesting. Recall that the master xingqiao Han was one of the first disciple of Wang Xiangzhai and he lived to the age of 96 years ...

"Maintain the vital breath (Yangsheng) and develop the martial skills (Jiji) are two major goals of practitioners of martial arts (Quan). The man has a body, which is the focus of ongoing exchanges between its internal environment and external environment. To protect themselves, human beings never ceases to regulate the state of his body, he has constantly to adapt by finding the balance between body and these two environments that are part of either side of it (inside and outside).

xingqiao Han, a disciple of Wang Xiangzhai in posture "tame the dragon"

The environment inside the human body, what are the 5 bodies, the 6 bowels, 4 members and hundreds of bones and joints. All this has to adapt constantly agreeing with each other and finding the right balance of operation. Smooth operation includes a capacity for self regulation and therefore when this balance is upset, for one reason or another, and that one is born sick, the vital principle in receiving information on and announces that life is threatened ...

The environment outside the human body, it is nature that surrounds man and society and changes and all the negative things they can generate. For example, an injury caused by falls, poisoning due to snake bite, or even the horrors of conflict at different scales, where groups of men killing each other. In ancient times, it was much more evident that human beings were truly "survive" in this external environment ...

Demonstration Jianwu (free form) by the master Han xingqiao

For most human beings is through life experience that one learns to adapt to changes in these large environments. But to learn how to improve the coping skills, martial arts (Quan) has developed on the basis of the double cropping of yangsheng and Combat (jiji).

Thus, the founding master Wang Yiquan Xiangzhai said that was "a study of xing and ming 'and developed it as such.

He was also speaking in these terms: "What exactly do we mean when we talk about martial arts? (NDT: here is the term used quan = boxing, martial arts, by extension) It's not about the art of making a gesture or a posture to take, but it is art that is developed at the deepest level (NDT: here it refers to the expression Quanquan fuyin = true martial art is in our heart). must develop this idea to its climax ... "

About the double cultivation of xing and ming (Xingming Shuangxiu), which referred to the founder of Yiquan talk, we can find a clarification to this complex notion, based Taoist alchemy, in the German psychologist Graf Dürkheim. The latter speaks in his psychotherapy initiation, to "restore the link between the existential and the essential being" ...


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