Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cause Of Free Fluid In Pouch Of Douglas Periode

Haarp, GLURP, Beuark ... It's a conspiracy! What's wrong

Ayman EL Kayman, Loved tooth No. 126, 16/02/2010
On 13 January 2010, Haiti was hit by an earthquake. The 13 is a magic number indicating the hand of a hidden power behind the earthquake. Do not look for the hidden power, it is the USA, the Pentagon, and behind them, Illuminati, and behind them, the ... Invaders (came from a planet not determined).
Before Haiti, occult power has triggered the earthquakes in Iran, Turkey, China, the tsunami in Southeast Asia, Hurricane Katrina and other hurricanes that ravaged the Caribbean. Proof? In the sky above the areas hit by earthquakes, were each given the same colored clouds. And those clouds are signed ... HAARP!
HAARP? No, it's not an interjection of cartoon character. It is the acronym H igh frequency A ctive A uroral R esearch P roject, a research project funded by the Pentagon, so obscure and incomprehensible to outsiders since it feeds years all possible delusions. One goal of HAARP is detect earthquakes. Some were quick to conclude it can trigger .
I shall say no more. Just type "haarp" on Google and you can choose from 630 000 pages. My favorite moment is this: following is an excerpt to entice you:

Click on the image to enlarge
Eye of Hurricane Isabel September 12, 2003 "This pentagram inscribed inside a circle in the eye of Hurricane Isabel by NASA in the middle of the day September 12, 2003 alone is explicit enough to arouse righteous concern about the nature of the times that we live on the eschatological plan. The size of this satanic figure is about 70 kilometers.
It is salutary to know the nature of new weapons that are under full-scale experiments, using laboratory planet as we are accustomed since the invention of the atomic bomb. " (sic)
How about these delusions? I confess my perplexity. Not that I do not believe the Pentagon is capable of the worst crap, but I can not follow the ravings of visionaries who rampant on the Internet and play all canards possible, taken by sites and blogs that want anti-imperialist but nonetheless serious. What supplying weapons to "Voice of Her Master" who go to war against " conspiracy theories. " " Hands Over the info " , last evening Thema ARTE, February 9, presented and prepared by the appalling Daniel Leconte we gave an example brilliant. The whole evening was to bludgeon us that the Internet was full of madmen absolutely not credible, and he had to keep his confidence in the "real" media and "real" journalists of Spiegel to France2, via Charlie Hebdo and other Point. About
earthquake Haiti and HAARP, one of the biggest manipulations that circulated on the Net was not that crazy bloggers, but from the very respectable English newspaper ABC. This was the headline falsely an article published January 20, 2010 Chávez has acus EE.UU. of provocar el seismo of Haití (Chavez accuses the U.S. of having provoked the earthquake of Haiti). The article contained no indication of any return of Chavez, but merely to cite an article published Jan. 18 on the site of the Venezuelan state television RAM, "Terremoto experimental" in Estados Unidos devastó Haití (A "earthquake Experimental U.S. ravaged Haiti), which reported a relative from the Russian fleet and making assumptions about the responsibility of HAARP in different earthquakes. Small detail: this article was that a resumption of a report by English news agency EFE. One may wonder why ABC felt it necessary to resume the Venezuelan version of this "news" without citing its primary source - Russian and English - and by attributing it to Chavez.
"Believe what you see and not what you hear," said my dad. But it was in ancient times before TV and internet. Today, he would say: "Believe what you see yourself in the real sky and not in the sky pictures posted on the Internet"

Ayman El Kayman, delegate FILC (Front for the Fight against Intergalactic Conspiracy of Fools)

good week, anyway!
That Force be with you in mind!
... and next week!


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