Saturday, February 27, 2010

Brazil Waxing Aroused

concepts of Qi (first part)

It is a key concept in Chinese culture that is sometimes difficult to grasp for a Western mind. Represented by the Chinese character Qi
/ 气 ( 气 in simplified characters), this is often translated into French by the word energy since she was introduced to us by George Soulie de Morant, a great translator and a pioneer of Chinese medicine in France. Number of sinologists prefer to translate this concept by the word breath , which better represents the idea of the Chinese character, but make no explanation ...

If one refers to the etymology of the character, things get complicated and then reveal all the richness and complexity of Chinese Language:

According Catherine Despeux (in "Treatise on alchemy and Taoist physiology," The two oceans, Paris, 1979):

" According Shuowen (NDT: Shuowen Jiezi, one of the first dictionary dating from the 1st century AD, giving a detailed explanation of each character), this term refers to the vapors that rise. It can be noted four different spellings of this notion. The first element consists of steam ( 气) with, below, fire ( 火) . It lies in the inclusion Zhou Traffic of breath, published and studied by Guo Moruo. The second ( 炁) is an old classic, made up of negation and down the fire. From the Song Dynasty, this graph is used to designate the breath of heaven breath anterior versus posterior of the sky, written using the current spelling of the word. The third graph consists solely of element vapor ell e was primarily used in the calligraphic style Lishu. The last spelling and most common element is formed with steam rice below the element ( 气) . It is the breath in its feeding function ... "

There is very little mention of pre Mier character described here by Ms. Despeux which seems, however, be the oldest representation of the concept of Qi. Registration Zhou which she speaks here refers to the numerous inscriptions on tortoise shells and shoulder blades of sheep-era Western Zhou (11th-7th century BC) whose Guo Moruo had conducted a comprehensive study. This character resembles the character Qi in use today ( 气) , but the steam, instead of rice, is fire.

Representation graph under the Zhou Qi (air and fire)

This "Qi" is not without mentioning the second character he mentioned in the text, if we consider a common confusion made in its interpretation: It is explained here that this character is composed of the element fire below (灬) and negation (无) while the element contained in the upper part of the character (旡) is not the negation but, according to Leon Wieger, the opposite element (欠) which represents the action of yawning, exhaling loudly. This Qi is often used to express the "Pre-Heaven Qi (xiantianqi) and is probably what gave meaning to the explanation of" qi without fire "(negation of fire) because the fire is the component representing the conscious mind that does not exist before our birth. This character refers, in fact, is to inspire (旡), is activated by conscious thought (灬, fire): This is the first breath, the newborn, which initializes all human life.

At these different characters representing the concept of Qi raised by Ms. Despeux, we can add an extra character 既 (pronounced Ji). The latter two components, a seed (seed, potential life) to the right and new inspiration on the left.

Ji, in its old spelling

Apparently, under these different spellings that the concept of Qi is absolutely inseparable from the cosmogony Traditional Chinese, born under the Zhou and conveyed to this day by Taoism. An especially important concept for understanding the meaning of "breath" is the relationship he has with water and fire (the mind and body, yin and yang) which represents a sort of liaison "harmonious" . This connection is expressed in the Taoist alchemy, by the association Jing - Qi - Shen (gas - blowing - mind) and represented by the elements water - wind - fire.

continued ...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cause Of Free Fluid In Pouch Of Douglas Periode

Haarp, GLURP, Beuark ... It's a conspiracy! What's wrong

Ayman EL Kayman, Loved tooth No. 126, 16/02/2010
On 13 January 2010, Haiti was hit by an earthquake. The 13 is a magic number indicating the hand of a hidden power behind the earthquake. Do not look for the hidden power, it is the USA, the Pentagon, and behind them, Illuminati, and behind them, the ... Invaders (came from a planet not determined).
Before Haiti, occult power has triggered the earthquakes in Iran, Turkey, China, the tsunami in Southeast Asia, Hurricane Katrina and other hurricanes that ravaged the Caribbean. Proof? In the sky above the areas hit by earthquakes, were each given the same colored clouds. And those clouds are signed ... HAARP!
HAARP? No, it's not an interjection of cartoon character. It is the acronym H igh frequency A ctive A uroral R esearch P roject, a research project funded by the Pentagon, so obscure and incomprehensible to outsiders since it feeds years all possible delusions. One goal of HAARP is detect earthquakes. Some were quick to conclude it can trigger .
I shall say no more. Just type "haarp" on Google and you can choose from 630 000 pages. My favorite moment is this: following is an excerpt to entice you:

Click on the image to enlarge
Eye of Hurricane Isabel September 12, 2003 "This pentagram inscribed inside a circle in the eye of Hurricane Isabel by NASA in the middle of the day September 12, 2003 alone is explicit enough to arouse righteous concern about the nature of the times that we live on the eschatological plan. The size of this satanic figure is about 70 kilometers.
It is salutary to know the nature of new weapons that are under full-scale experiments, using laboratory planet as we are accustomed since the invention of the atomic bomb. " (sic)
How about these delusions? I confess my perplexity. Not that I do not believe the Pentagon is capable of the worst crap, but I can not follow the ravings of visionaries who rampant on the Internet and play all canards possible, taken by sites and blogs that want anti-imperialist but nonetheless serious. What supplying weapons to "Voice of Her Master" who go to war against " conspiracy theories. " " Hands Over the info " , last evening Thema ARTE, February 9, presented and prepared by the appalling Daniel Leconte we gave an example brilliant. The whole evening was to bludgeon us that the Internet was full of madmen absolutely not credible, and he had to keep his confidence in the "real" media and "real" journalists of Spiegel to France2, via Charlie Hebdo and other Point. About
earthquake Haiti and HAARP, one of the biggest manipulations that circulated on the Net was not that crazy bloggers, but from the very respectable English newspaper ABC. This was the headline falsely an article published January 20, 2010 Chávez has acus EE.UU. of provocar el seismo of Haití (Chavez accuses the U.S. of having provoked the earthquake of Haiti). The article contained no indication of any return of Chavez, but merely to cite an article published Jan. 18 on the site of the Venezuelan state television RAM, "Terremoto experimental" in Estados Unidos devastó Haití (A "earthquake Experimental U.S. ravaged Haiti), which reported a relative from the Russian fleet and making assumptions about the responsibility of HAARP in different earthquakes. Small detail: this article was that a resumption of a report by English news agency EFE. One may wonder why ABC felt it necessary to resume the Venezuelan version of this "news" without citing its primary source - Russian and English - and by attributing it to Chavez.
"Believe what you see and not what you hear," said my dad. But it was in ancient times before TV and internet. Today, he would say: "Believe what you see yourself in the real sky and not in the sky pictures posted on the Internet"

Ayman El Kayman, delegate FILC (Front for the Fight against Intergalactic Conspiracy of Fools)

good week, anyway!
That Force be with you in mind!
... and next week!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tricare Auto Accident

IRAQ: Who is threatening the tomb of Ezekiel? Dubai launches

Israeli Propaganda around the tomb of Ezekiel
by Gilles Munier, France-Iraq- News, 15/2/2010
A campaign Propaganda conducted by Shlomo Alfassa, director of the association Americans "Justice for Jews from Arab countries" , relayed by the Israeli press and the site of CRIF (Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France), says Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki intends transform the tomb of Ezekiel in mosque "and erase all the marks of Judaism" ... under pressure from Sunni fundamentalists.
The biblical prophet, who was deported from the kingdom of Judah in Babylon in 597 BC. BC by Nebuchadnezzar II, Kiffle buried near Najaf, is known for his apocalyptic visions and his sermons calling Jews to return to Jerusalem, while acknowledging they do not deserve it. the "great cloud" he saw in the heavens, spreading " all sides a bright light in the center of which shone like burnished brass " , also made him the first man saw a flying saucer!
The prophecies of Ezekiel inspired extremists even Israelis and Christian Zionists Americans. One known as Gog and Magog - particularly obscure (1) - was used, under Ronald Reagan, to mobilize evangelicals against the Soviet Union and communism. Under W. Bush justified the prophecy the same war against the Axis of Evil and the invasion of Iraq. In early 2003, Bush had cited in Jacques Chirac to persuade him to go to war to fight the Antichrist!
JPEG - 13.5 kb
the tomb of Ezekiel, 1932 © Library of Congress ( Arabs in the photo are Jews )

The Caliph Ali it is collected
I visited the tomb of Ezekiel on three occasions between 1998 and 2002 (2). I had trouble knowing where he was, until a friend told me to ask where is buried Dhu-l-Kiffle , the name given to it in the Koran. The next day, on my way to Kiffle, a large village situated between Babylon and Najaf. The dome of the tomb, Buyid style, is visible from afar. I crossed a magnificent souk, robust wooden stalls which were once occupied by Jewish merchants. He belonged to the wealthy Sassoon family, the Iraqis compared to the Rothschilds in Europe (3). The Jews of Kiffle - like most 120 000 living in Iraq - have left the country after the creation of Israel, under the pro-British monarchy, lured by promises of a better life, worried about the turn taken by some pro Palestinian protests, but also terrified by the attacks organized by the Mossad to push them to immigrate under the Operation Ezra and Nehemiah. The proof has been made since.
Then I stepped on an esplanade partly covered by the ruins of a mosque Abbasid . A magnificent minaret student there always decorated with carved bricks and Kufic calligraphy style. At the time, he was already talking to rebuild everything. Near the door of the tomb of Ezekiel, the entrance to a tunnel which are at extraordinary legends, is doomed. The shrine consists of three adjoining rooms. The first is an old synagogue painted the walls in places, excerpts from the Torah in Hebrew. The second is for the monument erected to the prophet, to whom the Caliph Ali, son of the Prophet Muhammad, who lived close to Kufa, would have collected. The dome of the tomb is covered with floral motifs. Before going into the last room, a space is laid out for prayer. The guard then told me that Al-Khidr - Imam Green - symbolic figure mentioned in the Qur'an, there appeared. Past the door, he shows me five graves aligned, covered with green cloth. These, he said, those disciples of Ezekiel, imprisoned with him in 597 BC. AD, after the second Exodus. The mausoleum would was built on the site of their prison.
Rehabilitation in question
Many Muslims do not link the Dhu-l-Kiffle the Koran, and Ezekiel. Ibn Kathir , exegete of the Holy Book, said to 14 th century Kifle's tomb was that of the son of the prophet Ayoub (Job). According to others, Ezekiel was buried near Baghdad alongside Sem (Son of Noah) and Arphaxad (son of Shem ) and noted that another tomb of Ezekiel exists Dezful in southern Iran (Arabistan).
Apart Wahhabi hostile to the erection of religious monuments, no one in Iraq does intend to raze the tomb of Ezekiel, any more than other Jewish prophets buried in the country ;: Ezra, Nahum, Jonah and Daniel. Their sanctuaries will be rehabilitated. The only problem is that Iraq is synonymous with concrete rehabilitation. Several mosques - including those of the Companions of the Prophet - churches, and even the house of Ali in Kufa, have borne the brunt of this technique of embellishment, however well intentioned.
Israelis who are campaigning for "save the tomb of Ezekiel" are known for being great destroyers of ancient remains and Islamic disturbing their ideological convictions, are poorly placed to give lessons heritage of mankind. Notes

(1) For info
(2) Source: Guide to Iraq by Gilles Munier (Ed. Picollec - 2000)
(3) Ezekiel Sasson, Senior Minister of Finance of the first Iraqi government under King Faisal 1 st , with his wife is buried near the tomb of Ezekiel, in a house now in ruins.

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arrest warrants against 11 Europeans suspected of the murder of Mahmoud Al Mabhouh

Al Quds Al Arabi, 02/16/2010
alt Dubai police issued warrants for international arrest against eleven Europeans, including a woman suspected of killing Mahmoud Abdel Raouf Al-Mabhouh last on January 20 the territory of the emirate.

A commando of 11 members, all with European passports, is suspected of having assassinated the Hamas commander found dead last month in a luxury hotel in Dubai, announced Monday the chief of Dubai police, without involving Israel directly.

The Gulf emirate has released photos, names, nationalities and passport numbers of the 11 suspects. The information provided by General Dahi Khalfan Tamim are the most detailed allegations brought by Dubai authorities since the discovery of the body of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh January 20 last in the room a luxury hotel near the Dubai International Airport.

The deceased was tracked from its arrival at Dubai airport on January 19 and the commandos were disguised as tennis and went to different hotels in the area to divert .

Dubai police arrested two Palestinians accused of having provided logistical support to the assassins.

Commandos arrived in Dubai in groups and left in 24 hours, the crime has not lasted more than 20 minutes from the entry Mabhouh of the hotel until his murderers left the hotel. The State of

émrats refuses, speaking through Dahi Khalfan Tamim, as "its territory be used to settle accounts of whatever nature, causes and membership of the elements that are involved."

movement Hamas has accused the men of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, of being behind the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a founder of the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamist movement, the Ezzedine al- Qassam, and promised to avenge his death.

According to General Tamim, it is possible that the "leaders of some countries have ordered their intelligence agents to kill" the leader of Hamas. But he did not mention countries.
Among the alleged killers, six were carrying British passports, three Irish passports, one from a French passport and the last of a German passport, according to the chief of Dubai police.

He described a highly organized operation, which the authors had clearly informed in advance of travel to the victim. According to General Tamim, the suspects have completed all their expenses in cash and left evidence behind them, but He did not elaborate. He urged countries linked to the alleged killers to cooperate with the investigation.

Monday, February 15, 2010

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"Hands Over the News" on ARTE: fire on the "conspiracy theories"!

by , 11/2/2010. Translated by Michele Mialane, edited by Mary Rizzo, Tlaxcala
Original: macht mobil gegen Mainstream "Verschwörungstheorien" im Internet
On February 9, 2010 Arte aired a program called "Hands Over the info. He was naturally of bloggers and media held by independent bloggers, not mainstream media. Could it be otherwise?
The critical view by bloggers of the Internet, often against the current mainstream media is there now so many echo the prevailing thought that it must provide "patches"?
It is certainly the impression one might have to watch the first part of the story of Arte, the film "The appalling impostors." The show will be rebroadcast Feb. 12 at 10:30 am on Arte - for those who still have a TV and contribute their license fees to fund these delusions.
Arte visited "the weekly battle frontline conspiracy theories": the Spiegel-Online . We asked his editor Chief, Rüdiger Ditz, if the confidence enjoyed by traditional media in the population could restrain the development of alternative journalism. He replied:
"I would willingly believe.
Indeed, confidence in the independence of journalism, I believe, very deeply rooted in Germany. "
How right he is! Confidence is very deeply rooted. But independence, it must clearly be questioned. Asserting that there is a very bad joke. Maybe the media were truly independent one day, but those days are gone for several decades. Trust, it has remained. Why exactly?
Ditz continued:
"... therefore, no need (in quotes) if the absolute blogosphere. "
What could it mean? Maybe the media in general and in particular Spiegel would like to be removed Bloggers? The figures are interesting. According Arte West Germany has only 300,000 blogs cons about 2 million in France.
The voice has also a very clear later in the show:
"It is through blogs that rumors and conspiracy theories are spreading best."
By Will it be different for Spiegel and C ie ? Which spreads over 20 years the rumor that the earth is warming because of CO2 produced by human activities? (1)
Ditz speaks of "participatory journalism." He wants to say is that readers can also be actors in the media by providing information or personal items which will then reworked and published. It would be an important criterion to explain the high visibility of the blogosphere in Germany.
is correct: this reader's participation, lowering the threshold of inhibition to give his opinion did not really revealed that, thanks to blogs. At the time of print media, the reader could at best participate in the Letters to the Editor, we could not stick as much to current events or speak much.
Most blogs and some magazines to mainstream thinking now allow direct feedback from their articles. It is not uncommon to see how the views of readers also differs from that of many bloggers that the established media, or to find obvious errors.
This represents a real threat to the dominant thinking "independent" because it becomes increasingly difficult to influence opinion and handling. Confidence is lost, slowly but surely.
is fun begins when the leader of the French project of participatory journalism The Post faces, under the eye of the camera, with articles published on its platform and a little painful for him, who has allegedly checked very carefully before publishing them. But see for yourself. It is superb, especially his ridiculous efforts to get by. One may wonder which command here?
Arte persists in asserting that this process is dangerous. Oh, nobody needs to publish something that has not been verified by the established media - in a word:-censored lest the country "awash with conspiracy theories? Bravo, Arte, you have betrayed.
There are plenty of little more than to assimilate the "citizen journalism" to terrorism. This is certainly not said that way, but we expect every moment to get there and the sheep of Panurge has surely means well understood. Poor us!
Zeynel Cekic, the head of Alter Info , a French platform independent publishing, is attacked in good standing from journalists Arte. Here are his answers:
"I do not think the press is freer in France than in Iran or Russia. In these countries, journalists may be more afraid of the government and further follow the government line.
But do you really think it is different in France? Only the methods change. Well, okay, the pressure on our journalists is not as strong-but if they want to keep their work, they can not say everything. "
Ceciki has been prosecuted in France for inciting racial hatred - it's happening elsewhere too. A risk that may soon accrue all independent publicists? No one who continues to quietly take over the dominant thinking has nothing to fear.
Ready for tough times, because the more "conspiracy of the blog will attract attention, the more attack-cons will harden. There are powers with which we should not joke, especially when they actually feel increasingly questioned.
As long as justice can play this game, she will not hesitate to be very hard. So says the lawyer for the plaintiff objected to Ceciki. Exactly the same thing in Germany, because democracy is more than a word, a theory never applied, they would have us take for reality.
Arte This issue is a scandal. But as so aptly Mahatma Gandhi
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they'll fight and in the end you win. "
Obviously it is no longer ignore or make fun, war is declared. But in the end it is the truth will triumph and that alone. Whether it fits or not formal and the powerful of our world. And even the most expert in media manipulation and information there may unilaterally change anything. Thank you God! (1) I am careful to say that global warming is a rumor, although many other dangers that can not speak not threaten us. [Translator's note] Brittany Stone

Operation Moshtarak: a new step in the attempt to Afghanization of war

Editorial Basta! , 02/14/2010
Moshtarak Operation was launched Saturday, Feb. 13 at 4 o'clock in the morning in Helmand province in the Western occupation forces backed by soldiers and police of the puppet regime Kabul. 15 000 men engaged, half Western (U.S., British, Canadians, Danes and Estonians) and half of Afghanistan.
"Mosthtarak" means "together" in Arabic and Dari, the Afghan variant of Persian. British Brigadier General James Cowan, commanding the 11 th Light Brigade, said during the briefing before the operation:
"I can not imagine a better name to describe this operation. Because we are together in this case: we planned together, we fight together we will get through together. With Afghan allies, soldiers with civilians, the government with its people. "
The operation aims to regain control of the capital of the province, Lashgar Gah, the heart of the Helmand River Valley, and its hinterland. Helmand is a stronghold of the Afghan resistance, which has escaped the control of the Kabul regime long ago. In the propaganda of the Allies, the goal is to "cleanse" the area "Taliban insurgents" to "restore the authority government "in Kabul and allow the" reconstruction ".
The attacking troops were initially met with little resistance, which seemed to surprise their command. It seems to have still not learned the lessons of the Vietnam War or that of Iraq. The resistance has in fact applied a basic principle of people's war "the enemy attacks, we retreat, the enemy is concentrated, we disperse.
Tomb of empires, the Afgahanistan will also help in the tactics Obama, McCrystal and Gordon Brown, "Afghanization" of the war, which will be a bitter failure. Equally bitter was that the "Vietnamization" of the war in Vietnam from 1968. It took 15 years for the U.S. occupiers to wipe a strategic defeat in Vietnam. It takes less than in Afghanistan.

click on map to enlarge

Friday, February 12, 2010

Can Genital Warts Appear On The Stomach

Arab children are born with teeth

by رشاد أبوشاور Chaouar Rashad Abu Al Quds Al Arabi, 10.2.2010. Translated by Tafsut Ait Baamrane, Tlaxcala
Original: أطفال العرب يولدون بأنياب

We as Arabs in the Time wonders

The strangest thing is that we are alive and continue to live despite everything, is not completely gone.

If I were to enumerate all the wonders of our existence, I could spend days and the pages of Al Quds Al Arabi could be enough to contain all these wonders, they are so numerous. And they just keep multiplying, submerging us in the days.

Do you think the Saudi wonders will end with the staging of the handshake between the former Saudi intelligence chief Turki al-Faisal and Danny Ayalon, the Deputy Lieberman?!
Maybe that because of this unbroken succession of wonders, nothing surprises us nor irritates us.

few quirks begin to promise well - it is inconceivable that miracles do not happen in our lives to demonstrate that we are alive.

I read a few days ago, amid a cascade of information strange, this: an Arab child in an Arab country gave - I purposely left in the dark to mislead the enemy lurking - emerged from the womb of his mother with all his teeth. These teeth then are not teeth or gums blisters like those seen in people of advanced age. No! The child was born with real teeth, as many of us who have rotten teeth - we happen to swallow when we shake with anger - hoped to have!

One child out of the womb wanting to see it after wearing it in his house of flesh - fed-housed, sleeping and playing alone in his own way, moving comfortably without caps or dislocation of ribs with beatings and without aches caught in the minibus crowded with creatures suffocated by their own Arab breaths, breaths of resentment, rage throughout the path, the small minibus which evokes the dark tombs of the poor and destitute Arabs in Arab countries.

This child has caused the confusion of his mother, although she was happy because her child's teeth will never fall, and this is a gift from God and is born with strong teeth, although that they are yellow and dark like the teeth of smokers addicted.

Smoked it in the womb, listening to the sighs of disappointment his father in the process of sucking his hookah by filling the space in the family room of smoke? The family had it other than this room, and a corridor-like corridors of Arab governments?!

The information in the log stops on the fact that a child is born with teeth and this information is not reassuring because it says nothing about the arrangements envisaged by the concerned authorities, which will certainly look into the problem and take measures against the spread and consequences of this phenomenon and its impact on security National. The doctors did not have to board to study the case, no more than general dentists or doctors of psychology, sociology and genetics.

In the "developed" world, families are content to give birth to a child or two. They like to live a peaceful and happy life, without the mess of dealing with a battalion of children and guarantee the girl - or boy, whatever - a happy life and a secure future in a country whose citizens do not emigrate to die at sea or in the desert, beyond the benefits their homeland which forces them to flee the inferno.

Our ancestors repeated: the child is born is born and living with him. But in our Arab countries, despite the wealth of oil and gas and squandered countless treasures, secretly and openly, subsistence is born with the child Arabic. The only thing that awaits is poverty of poverty, and fear of the camera. He was born with the sadness of seeing the yellow face of depressed parents and hear the cries of his brothers starving, screaming louder than any authorized demonstration in an Arab country.

In our country, when a child is born, what to expect, what are the taxes, the secret police and judiciary, who welcome him with endless accusations, the first is: illegal entry countries. Because the uterus of mothers Arabs in Arab countries, are under surveillance and that coming out is awesome and of course, the list of accusations has no end.

In our Arab countries, where a child is born, what lies ahead is a cell, but not for himself, because this is not a luxury right even the highest-ranking opponents, whatever their level of education and culture. For democracy in Arab prisons, they are equal to others, and they crowd with their brothers and comrades in struggle. They can not sleep at turns, some standing, others lying without dreams, because the nightmares continue to pursue the unfortunate Arab, he is asleep or your eyes open, because he sleeps with his eyes open and bulging.
In our Arab countries where Arabic is born an innocent child, what to expect, they are beefy batons and showing their teeth. If he thinks their escape to return to where it came from, they will make him forget the milk of his mother, he never tasted - and how could they Arab mothers have milk, they suffer from malnutrition, hereditary? - But he knows innately, because breastmilk is a right of every child of man or animal, except in Arab countries.

By some divine cause, it seems that nature, by dint of quirks increasingly widespread in the Arab world, the Arab child with a weapon of self defense: their teeth, for that it can start its battle to earn a crust and defend his individual and collective existence.

And like the teeth may be in pieces in the Arab world by muscles contracted and cruel maintained solely for that purpose, nature has sharpened the teeth so they become capable of sharp canines planting in the wrists and biceps grown to assault any citizen, with or without charge, because the Arab regimes are protected by muscles and thugs.

The news agency did not report what happened to the child but semi-reliable source, I got some information:

That child was born silent, he could neither laugh nor cry, but stared straight ahead and around him with fury! And when his mother brought out her breast dried up - she was waiting for this moment since the first stirrings in her belly - he turned his face. She turned to him with affection inherited from his mother: "In the name of God, take my love, this little milk there, I saved for you on this day and although it does there is no milk, my love, there is the affection that you will satisfy all your life. "

She held her head gently, drawing her to his chest and there she was afraid of what she saw. He opened his mouth to attract the attention of his mother and show her that he could hurt him with his teeth in his heart that had an instinct of love for her. And how could it be otherwise, when he lived his flesh for nine months, comfortably installed, more than a five star hotel?!

Personally, I foresee that many women in the days ahead, give birth to Arab children with teeth sharp and I also plan - and it is a Arab warning to parents to make sure to hide any child born with sharp teeth - the open season for children and their removal to transport them to places where we will never know their fate, all under the pretext of fighting against the Terrorism! Arab regimes concerned do not oppose it because they are frightened by the phenomenon and on the contrary, they see a good eye that "government circles friends" manufacture vaccines for mothers so that Arab children's teeth does not grow, because the most effective remedy against the Arabs is that they have a nation without teeth.

Abu Chaouar Rashad (Rashad Abu Shawar)
writer, journalist and Palestinian activist.
• Born in the village of Dhakrine in the district of Al Khalil (Hebron), the 15/06/1942. •
emigrated with his family in 1948
• Lives with his father - his mother died a year before the Nakba - the refugee camp near Bethlehem Dheisheh until 1952. • Moves with
his father in the camp near Nouiamma Ariha (Jericho) where they lived until 1957.
• In 1957 his father fled to Syria, where he obtained political asylum. Rashad joined him and lived in Damascus until 1965, then returned to Nouiamma, where he lived until June 67. •
He resigned his job in a bank after June 67 to devote himself to activism nationally.
• Works in the Palestinian media and manages unified a daily newspaper in Beirut. •
Lives in Beirut until 1982, in Damascus until 1988, then with his family in Tunisia until 1994 ... • Lives
since that date in the Jordanian capital, Amman.
Membership of professional organizations of journalists and writers Palestinian Palestinian National Council since 1983, he writes in major Arab newspapers and magazines, including the daily Al Quds Al Arabi since 1990.
He has published five novels, a play, numerous stories and news as well as three children's books.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Optical Migraines From Lymes

Afghan Dialogue

- We are ready talking with the good Americans

- You want to talk with Americans DEAD?

Source: Al Quds Al Arabi, 02/11/2010

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It happened in "this" then Austria: Political Justice, the day before Christmas 2009

by Vladislav MARJANOVIC , 8/2/2010. Translated by Michele Mialane, edited by Mary Rizzo, Tlaxcala
Leopold Figl, Austrian Chancellor
Christmas speech 1945

Justice Western democracies is very strange. Over the fall of the Berlin Wall recedes in time, the more likely it is when wearing public judgments on those involved in human rights cases. Justice is soon to hear his wrath - libel!
But what is "defamation"? The interpretations of this word, which is also found in the laws governing the media, seem rather elastic. A word that has not already enjoyed and you are charged with defamation of individuals. That value judgments (moral to boot!) Based on evidence or on a narrow interpretation no longer seems to play a role. The context does not matter. Only the word count. Here is an example.
From mortui nihil nisi bene
It happened in Austria. On January 31, 2006 Liese Prokop, a former Interior Minister died suddenly. Clearly the deceased was appreciated by her colleagues. The former high-level sports, silver medalist in the pentathlon at the Mexico Olympics in 1968, came shortly after in politics, the right wing of the Conservative Party ÖVP. This allowed him to be welcome in the coalition government that the former chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel formed in 2004 with the far-right party FDP. The all-new Minister of the Interior began to work immediately. She reformed the police and appeared hard and unyielding towards asylum seekers. She undertook to amend (ie decreasing) the right of asylum and foreigners, in particular because it believed that 45% of Muslim rebels were any integration.
The sudden death of the minister was regretted by all parties. Wilhelm Molterer, Secretary General Office of Volkspartei (ÖVP) was "speechless." Alfred Gusenbauer, then President of the Social Democratic Party and the future chancellor, hailed a "large woman" and an "outstanding politician", while Alexander von Bellen, which this year then presided over the destinies of the Greens, praised the openness of the deceased minister. We then made it to the solemn funeral, attended by the highest moral authority in the country, the Austrian Federal President.
While VIPs celebrated mourning public, a common man dared express another opinion. It was the officer of the association "Asyl in Not" (Asylum endangered audios), Michael Genner. Less than 24 hours after the death of Mrs. Prokop, he published a press release that began: "The good news early this year: Mrs. Prokop, Minister of Torture and Deportation, died. The memory of the suffering endured by people searching desperately but in vain, shelter, will remain forever linked to his name. "And ended with this sentence: "Mrs. Prokop was a white collar criminal, a species whose cruel history of this country offers many examples."
These words, published in a simple statement of an association, had the effect of a bomb. All Austrian conservative newspapers (none in fact exists no other), since the "Press" to the underground newspaper "Heute" nailed pillory the lack of heart of its author. In nihil nisi mortui bene ( The dead, one should speak only well ): media recalled the good old custom that respected the peoples of antiquity. As the article by Michael Genner there was infringement, the family of the deceased took a hand and his own (or maybe not?) Filed a complaint for defamation.
"I appeal to the freedom of the press"
The first trial was held May 25, 2007 and lasted half an hour. Judge Lucie Kaindl-König has tried to treat the facts with objectivity. In his view, regardless of the formal written apology that Genner was presented on January 8 for the offending sentence. Let alone the tragedy of refugees and their families because of the stringent measures that they had applied when Mrs. Prokop was a minister and abuse which had been the corollary. "The Tribunal is aware that refugees suffer trauma because of administrative detention" said the judge, thus sweeping out of hand the arguments of Genner relating to physical and psychological torture suffered by refugees. Only interested in what Genner meant by "deportations" and "white collar criminals" as well as "racist." In this context she asked (provocation), "Mrs. Prokop was it racist too, or was it just the case of his servants?" At the parade Genner " officials who were pressured, "the judge responded by attacking: "Did you, in writing this article, he would do as many waves? Did you know that what you write is dishonorable? Were you aware that it is defamation? "Genner's answer was clear:" I appeal to the freedom of the press. "
was apparently the crux of problem. Do we have the right to criticize national policy makers on measures applied against a group of people without being dragged to court for defamation? Obviously not, because if we refer to the words used by Justice Kaindl-König it will "[too] wave." Yet only last totalitarian states are afraid of "waves." Or would they not alone?
The "defamation" is mentioned, a somewhat elastic concept. Any direct criticism, since it is public, can be "defamatory". The facts or evidence have less then, for justice, that the terms used. It is therefore be very careful and s (self) censorship in time, and if possible to avoid any direct controversy, even in the form of an open letter! The contents or reasons of public criticism directed at political figures do not interest of justice. It is in vain that Michael Genner said at his first trial that he had apologized to the family of the deceased and even offered to "remove" the offending sentence. The judge has merely noted that "there are various ways to formulate". Maybe because Michael Genner, while apologizing, said they "changed nothing" in his argument.
The procedure has remained there, as has already been said, and was adjourned ... until 19 September. And then the verdict is: Michael Genner at trial was convicted of defamation. According to the judge, he wore a "judgment excessive" and is accordingly sentenced to a fine of 1200 € with partial suspension of execution. Michael Genner has appealed. He considered this decision "... not only as an attack on media freedom (...) but also an expression of solidarity with the tribunal's legal system also indirectly criticized him." But this was not the opinion of the Supreme Court. Shortly before Christmas 2009 it upheld the ruling of the Court of First Instance.
"A legitimate condemnation?
The media took note the ruling. The highly respected newspaper "Die Presse" was the comment : "The officer of the association Asyl in Not, Michael Genner, received a legitimate conviction for defaming the late Minister of the Interior." That's what he wrote in delivery of 20 December. It must be said that in the same text, it was noted that "The Supreme Court sets limits to freedom of opinion even in politics." What does it mean? Is this an endorsement or a discrete point of a disturbing trend of the system?
hard to decide because the public remains silent. Even supporters of Michael Genner not pipent word. It is very surprising, because some of the yet had praised Michael Genner October 27, 2008, on the occasion of his 60th birthday th. President of SOS-Mitmensch Burgenland (SOS Our next Burgenland, the easternmost federal state of Austria, audios), Rainer Klien, for example, had said: "A note on your record Prokop obituary on: we must be allowed - regardless respect for the dead to express such an opinion. I wait every day to see the dock officials of the dead at the external borders of the EU ". Volker Kier, Honorary President of Asyl in Not and former Liberal MP, pointed out that "Michael Genner committed to human rights without fear of risk itself, including that of its own destruction . "All the approvals were made before about 150 people to mark the sixtieth anniversary of Genner. But now there is silence around him.
What strikes most is the silence of the opposition parties, left or environmentalists, especially in regard to the latter, Michael Genner was the Green candidate in the National Council [parliament's lower chamber , NDE ]. Green MP Teresija Stoïsitz awarded him the praise: "The case against Michael Genner is a political trial. If it is illegal to say that refugees need protection and that we provide our assistance to prevent deportation, so I am willing to enter into delinquency. "The Weekly" Falter " had reported these words May 17, 2006. And now?
A heavy silence
Good. It was in full Christmas season and the decision of the Supreme Court against Genner fell just before Christmas. At this time we are generally concerned that any other thing of delicate legal issues. This allowed the Supreme Court issued its decision to confirm charges of defamation and the relatively light sentence imposed at trial without causing any adverse reaction. The media have widely reported. At least for a short time. Then silence fell around Michael Genner. No organization, no personality, not even after the middle of immigration, has dared to challenge the ruling. Yet one might have expected, because Michael Genner has been fighting for years, and with all his strength, so that asylum seekers are treated humanely. But his verbal slip appeared to be an insurmountable obstacle. Have hurt the relatives of Madame Minister Prokop just after his death weighs heavier in public opinion, that the deportation of asylum seekers and legal dislocation of families, what happened with her consent and knowledge of all the cream when she was minister. It seems in any case that Genner and his "news good news" had provided his political opponents senior welcome an argument to discredit his organization and himself.
And indeed: from May 24, 2008 Gerald Freihofner columnist, in his "Notes from bottom to top," Genner dealt with "small communist leader." Not content to blame Genner his past membership in the organization of far-left "Spartacus", accuses Freihofner being the author of the slogan appearing on the website "Kommunistische Initiative (Initiative Communist KI) under the symbol of sickle and hammer," We're fighting for the overthrow of the established order! In any case the message is clear: "Let's drop Genner!"
La "pierre de Marcus Omofuma ", d'Ulrike Truger - 2003, Mariahilferstrasse/Vienne associations supporting migrants and treated as they think it is better to be silent and in the case Genner? It would be surprising. These associations are dependent on subsidies some foundations, quite related to the establishment . Besides government circles do not just tolerate their claims of non-discrimination on racial, ethnic or religious: they encourage their participation in political institutions. They gave a signal of great symbolic significance: in Vienna, was erected a monument in memory of Marcus Omofuma, a Nigerian asylum seeker died of police abuse during his deportation in 1999. A modern monument, but impersonal and abstract. Maybe not to arouse more emotion than the authorities can tolerate? Since the authorities do something to integrate, what meaning would it have to show solidarity with an outsider critical of the company if it is perfectly possible in this respect, work with them ? Genner the rest was wrong. Under the successors of Mrs. Prokop the situation of asylum seekers is getting worse. On second thought, about the Genner was perhaps not just the "defamation" ?
It would surely have considered it from that angle, if the arguments of Michael Genner were pure fiction. But it is not. The examples he provided are sufficient to justify his reaction. The systematic violation of human rights in the name of the law is, in terms of universal morality , much worse than the holding of disrespectful comments about those responsible for violations that just died. Suffering, not a few, but thousands of people in distress who have failed in Austria do not evoke compassion from the judge Genner, and no more than the establishment. Why could it be otherwise? J. and establishment merely apply the decisions of the Dublin Conference . is the European Union itself is behind this policy. It is not in the case of humanity, but, in the words of the final solution Adolf Eichmann, the model of the perfect bureaucrat Nazi statistics. If we eliminate the Jews, the people of Lords will have more to eat. This was the logic then. And the logic now? If we deport migrants and asylum seekers to their country shaken by wars and crises to die, Austria, Europe and all rich countries the situation on the labor market will be less tense. Hide in his house refugees facing deportation will return as before for those who hid Jews persecuted, to be in breach of the law. Yet Michael Genner, in 2006 in Innsbruck, has dared to call his fellow citizens.
Do we have the right to blame him? Maybe just as much as those who were not afraid to oppose Nazi rule. Civil courage is needed now because the Holocaust has unfortunately not limited to the Nazi era. This time he threatens not a particular ethnic or religious community, but all mankind. We continue to commit, but in another form, more treacherous, but no less effective, and not a single country, but worldwide, through global solidarity leaders. Deportation or forcible expulsion, which is the real difference? Discriminate against asylum seekers by denying them their rights or being anti-Semitic at one time, where is the difference? Even marriages are criminalized, they are broken by force and it shatters families. But while leaders demonstrate their solidarity by atonement ritual in memory of the Holocaust, and washing their hands of all sins against the company they keep committing the victims, they do not shake the elbows . That is why the few individuals who fight for the humanization of society, as Michael Genner, found no support. For how long?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Are Epilators Allowed On Airplanes

"The Sidi Moumen star "a warm and chilling novel that does not let go ... and do not let you go ...

By Marie-Jo Fressard, SOLIDMAR , 06/02/2010
Writer Moroccan Mahi Binebine imbibed for five years in this environment because of violence, ugliness, dirt, dust, garbage odors, but also human warmth, fellowship and loads of fun, which cohabit in the One of the most miserable slums of Morocco Sidi Moumen, discreetly hidden from foreign eyes behind a wall of adobe, as are all the slums of the prestigious kingdom.
In 2003 Photos from the shantytown sprawled in the press, exceptionally well-in-the French press: that the soil where s' flourish suicide bombers, perpetrators of deadly bombings in the Moroccan luxury hotels.
Mahi Binebine made it an exciting and terrifying novel that allows us to understand why and how a bunch of "hard" has been insidiously indoctrinated to be led meekly to commit the irreparable pull the thread of the vest to detonate ...
The Stars of Sidi Moumen is the name of the football team's most formidable and most successful of the shanty towns surrounding Casablanca. The story is told by the team that wants to be called Moh Yashin, like his idol, to the point become Yashin, living and dead, no regrets for having a short life "happy to be away from corrugated iron, cold, sliced open sewers and all the miasma that inhabited my childhood"
He talks about Yemma, his mother, stern and tender, fear and adored by his many son (she gave birth to 14 boys in 14 years, a record!), its protective brother Hamid, capable of killing for revenge. The deaths "accidental" are buried in the landfill. Nobody cares: so many people leave the slums without warning ...
We discover one by one the friends and their life of misery: the beautiful Nabil, son of Tamou the prostitute, who is ashamed of her mother "I am a son of a bitch! "Fouad is the only one who went to school, Ali, who is black because he worked in the coal, Khalil had an easier life" before "and others. Delinquency survival: fights, theft, rape, drugs, snort, pedophilia ... "In the beginning there was the shock and the colony of rogues who sprouted above. The religion of football, endless fights, thefts and shoplifting and shopping sprees, the avatars of resourcefulness, Hashish, white glue and wanderings they cause, smuggling and small trades, repeated blows raining down, runaway and ransoms of rape and abuse ... Amidst all this chaos glittered a jewel fallen from Paradise: Ghislane, my dear and beautiful friend. We do not know how she landed at Sidi Moumen, but it clashed with our scene. A false note in reverse. "Yashin fell madly in love.
Fire set one day to the police commissioner called the liberation of "Doberman" which, fortunately for him was not present that day. "The police station Police was not rebuilt, and nobody suffered unduly. Differences between people were settled by mediation then either the old or fist to the landfill. But life in Sidi Moumen cushy went its merry way. "
Then it was a day's meeting with Hamid Abu Zubair and the scheduled start of indoctrination that has gradually spread throughout the team. And everything changed. Yemma rejoiced first change: Hamid, the enfant terrible does more dope, he found work, he became serious. "But he was gone. (...) Not only returned lunchtime. Dead as the joyous atmosphere that he used to spread the table, the incredible stories that were both laughing Yemma. "
No more football, no more fights and laughs. The whole team is taken over by Abu Zuhair and his friends to whom they want to look like. They let the beard grow, do their five daily prayers, speak of the greatness of God around them .... Zouhair and his friends organize their holidays in the Middle Atlas, the ones who never went beyond the wall of the slum. In nature, near the beautiful Lake Dayet Aoua, sometimes in an atmosphere joyful, sometimes pious, their preparation " departure" is honed, and soon, when they understand what will be their "mission " they will accept it naturally ...
The Stars of Sidi Moumen , Mahi Binebine novel, Flammarion, January 2010 . 17, 10 €
Biography Mahi Binebine
Binebine Mahi, novelist, painter and sculptor Moroccan, was born in 1959 in Marrakech.
In 1980, he settled in Paris and studied he taught mathematics for eight years.
He is passionate about painting and writing.
He spent six years in New York, paintings and sculptures are held at the Museum Solomon R. Guggenheim.
can see it works in different places around the world: Venice Biennale, Galerie Ott, Düsseldorf, Museum of Contemporary Art, Washington DC (1998), Mll Tinglado4 Costa, Tragone, Palais des Congres, Grasse ( 2001), Société Générale Marocaine des Banques, Marrakech Museum (2002) ...
Area Bellville, Paris; Mohssem Asilah Cultural (2000), Museum of Marrakech (2003), Puerto de las Artes, Huelva; Burj Al Arab Dubai (2001) ...
Mahi Binebine has published several novels including: The sleep of Slave (1992) who was awarded the Mediterranean, Cannibals (1999), Writing at the turn, The Funeral of milk (1994), The Shadow of the Poet (1997), Pollen (2001) which won the prize of the Franco-Arab Friendship ...
He lives in Marrakech since 2002.
Visit his website