Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can I Use Treadmill In My Flat?

Affairs (now) foreign

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Discontents at the Quai d'Orsay

_____Aurons we ever foreign policy of Estonia?
_ Weakening discussed the role of France as a result of the alignment with Washington, some loss of national values under the pressure of global market value, cuts in budgets, even at the level of stewardship, the rise of the cell élyséennne expense of diplomats on the ground, objects of suspicion ... all combine a new call to officials of the Quai d'Orsay , disgusted with such contempt and incompetence ...
Recent current events in the Maghreb give them much reason.

It is as if was France's voice had lost worldwide :

" ... Contrary ads trumpeted the past three years, Europe is powerless, Africa escapes us, we sulk Mediterranean, China has tamed and Washington ignores us! At the same time, our aircraft Rafale and our nuclear industry, announced further triumphs, remain on the shelf. Worse, the voice of France has gone worldwide. Our bandwagon against the United States failed many of our partenaires.Pendant the Cold War, we were in the Western camp, but we pesions position on both sides by an original attitude. Today, joined the United States as expressed in our return to NATO, we n'intéressons larger world because we lost our visibility and our ability to maneuver diplomatically. This loss of influence is not attributable to diplomats, but the options selected by politiques.Il is clear that the president does not like the government departments that overwhelms an overt contempt and seeks responsible for making policy setbacks. Thus, the diplomats are designated as responsible for mishaps of our foreign policy. They reject the trial is done to them. The policy towards Tunisia and Egypt has been defined as President of the Republic without regard to the analysis of our embassies. It was she who chose MM. Ben Ali and Mubarak as "South Pillar" the Mediterranean .... "
- Lost Illusions ?
Contempt as a form of governance?
Designers of Baudry


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