SAE RROM Association presents:
festival of Gypsy music. 2nd edition.
3 & 4 September 2010
to MONTLAUR (11 220)
under big
RROM FEST is organized by
06 62 03 39 15 or April 1968 78 43 49
web: / rromfest
To honor the music romany
and better known these people for opposing its stigma.
The festival was held for the first time in September 2009.
It was driven by a core group of artists gathered around the project Aude musicians TRAIO ROMANO: A group of Franco-Romanian Gypsy music whose leader is installed Gavrish Montlaur 4 years. They wanted to invite to a festive artists and cultural players Rroma musicians, artists, intellectuals, filmmakers, etc. ... they encountered during their international tours.
Anything artistic network was met on time " Rrom Fest, delivering a wide audience when not initiated, the keys of this culture in a festive and warm weather, exchange and sharing.
The success of the first edition in both the public has responded largely present, and the quality shows and entertainment products and of course the involvement of a boundless team of volunteers on- reasoned that the second edition comes naturally!
will be attended by groups of Rrom international scene ("Samson Schmitt" big name Jazz Manouche "Dhoad Gypsies of Rajasthan," the "Pradal" child prodigies of the new flamenco ..) local groups influences to Gypsy (Rodinka "," Taste me that ") ... passionate Gypsy music from around the end of the world (Dj Cyco" Japan, "The number menina sin "and" DJ Tagada "of Paris)
From the decks in trad jazz, all styles are represented here!
also Represented culinary arts, photography, cinema, deco, circus, literature ...
The Romani, Rroma music,
The endonym "Rroma" is the common name employed by this group to identify himself, Manouche, Gypsy, Gypsies, Romanies, gypsies, exonyms are employed by "gadze" ie non-Romani.
is one of the largest minority in Europe (7 million) and she saw too often in the exclusion and discrimination.
It is defined as a nation s years compact territory and unpretentious for such a territory * .
His claims do not relate to space, but on law and justice.
The Rroma people is a constituent part of Europe, to which he contributed human, material, artistic, economic, military and moral too often neglected, wishing to enroll in a dynamic progressive, oriented towards social integration, equal rights, the rejection of discrimination and mutual respect of all identities represented in Europe .**
Music and dance are predominant in the Romani community. they are a means of transmitting values and culture between the old and the young generation. The music is a duty because it is a survival identity.
"The gypsy music defy geography, as nomads in their immediacy in the musical history that has constructed. It is without doubt that the great strength of this music, virtuosity teasing us, we shook his excitement and melancholy arrogant moves us ... and it can thus be desired: happy if it is free! "***
* Fifth Congress of the International Union Rromani, Prague, July 2000)
* * definition of romany people for a proposal status framework developed by the Ranelpi Network (Rroma activists on legal and policy) for the European Union.
*** JC Lemenuel (artistic director "on the roads of music Gypsy "CAEN)
procedure RROM FEST
Location: Montlaur 11220, tent on the parking room.
Admission: € 8 , pass 2 days 12 €
Snack bar and restaurant on site.
Snack bar and restaurant on site.
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