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Saturday, May 15, 2010
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South Africa, Israel today: why boycott
Carlos Latuff
Carlos Latuff
The lies and propaganda as a policy parallel to that of State crimes
The boycott campaign oranges "blood (air) are" South African Outspan had started in the Netherlands
by Agustín VELLOSO . Translated by Mary Rizzo, Tlaxcala
Source: El porqué del boicot ago Israel has Sudáfrica ayer hoy
Source: El porqué del boicot ago Israel has Sudáfrica ayer hoy
Why boycott Israel in 2010?
The year 2010 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of the boycott of South Africa and the fifth of the boycott of Israel. Despite the elapsed time and the differences between the two cases, introduction of apartheid in South Africa, complicity of the international community, Israel's support to South Africa, the black resistance and participation International citizens aware of the boycott, responsive to the concerns of those who wonder why they should boycott Israel. The experience of the boycott of South Africa also contains some interesting lessons for those who are already supporters of BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) and warnings for the militants.
What is proposed here is an exercise in historical comparison to better understand what is happening in Palestine in light of what happened in South Africa.
Carlos Latuff
Apartheid Africa South and Zionism in Palestine
In 1948, the State of Israel was established in Palestine and the National Party took power in South Africa, which he kept until 1994. Immediately following years, the governments of both countries have legislated and acted decisively against the Palestinians and black, for, respectively, Jews and Afrikaners,
The ultimate goal of the National Party was to move all South black Africans in areas reserved for them, the Bantustans, and to grant a permit to move as "guest workers" in the territory reserved Afrikaners to about 87% of the country.
The ultimate goal of Zionism, embodied in Israel is that its territory (which he never defined the borders) is solely for Jews around the world: "The State of Israel regards itself as the establishment of the People entire Jewish and its doors are open, in accordance with its laws, to all Jews wishing to immigrate. " MFAArchive/2000_2009/2001 / 8 / The 20Goals%%% 20of% 20Zionism 20Today MFAArchive/2000_2009/2001 / 8 / The 20Goals%%% 20of% 20Zionism 20Today
Both the Zionists in Palestine and the Afrikaners South Africa are a minority in war against the majority of their inhabitants. They originally come from abroad to settle in the middle of a vast majority of indigenous population, Arab and black respectively, but not without serious damage to it. Logically, their dominance can be achieved only by force of arms and a political system illegitimate protected by laws repugnant.
For whites, blacks were a cheap labor market in their service, subject to any restrictions and abuse, who must comply on pain of paying by imprisonment or even their lives any protest and resistance.
Palestinians who are against their will become Israeli citizens in 1948 were subject to martial law during the fifteen years that followed (including arbitrary detentions, that is not ordered by a judge, deportations and curfews), unlike the Jews who were not affected by this legislation. Land belonging to Palestinians has been confiscated and subsequently used exclusively to Jews.
Thereafter they lived so far - and their situation is getting worse - subject to widespread discrimination, legal by the government and treatment by the majority of the Jewish population.
Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem when Israel occupied these areas during the 1967 war, have since remained under military occupation, subject to further deadly attacks, deportations, mass incarcerations without forget the siege of Gaza since 2007.
Dehumanization of Blacks and Palestinians
Lieutenant Colonel Pienaar, who commanded in March 1960 the police force responsible for the massacre at Sharpeville, blacks demonstrating against apartheid, said after the events: "The mentality of the natives do not allow them to meet and demonstrate peacefully. For them, gather means violence. "He also denied" having given the order to fire "and added that he" would have done in such a situation. "
(Ambrose Reeves The Sharpeville Massacre - A watershed in South Africa . html)
The dehumanization of the victim is an essential component of apartheid and Zionism. The words with which Israeli leaders define the Palestinians leave no doubt about that.
Rafael Eitan, head of the Israeli army: "When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do will be run from one place to another like drugged cockroaches in a bottle. " http:/ / / 2/Hi / middle_east/4034765.stm
Golda Meir, Prime Minister: "Something called the Palestinian people does not exist ... Not that we arrived and have thrown out, and taken possession of their country. The Palestinians did not exist. "
Menachem Begin, Prime Minister (the Palestinians)" are beasts walking on two legs. "
Carlos Latuff
The lies and propaganda as a policy parallel to that of State crimes
Israel has consistently refused to recognize the crimes he commits, and can not do it because there are witnesses that he can not silence, like the Palestinians, or that these crimes are a huge scale, like the attack on Gaza in December 2008, so he lies about what happened and uses the litany of rockets fired by Hamas, the right to self defense, suspected terrorists who were preparing to carry out an attack, and so on. He does
because he knows that world public opinion will not bother to go beyond the headlines for it and few people will see reports of human rights the UN, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, not to mention the organizations defending human rights of Palestinians: the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights , Badil, etc. Stop the Wall., which put light of the serious violations committed by Israel against the Palestinians continuously.
In June 2006, a shell fired by the Israeli army killed seven Palestinians in the same family, including five children, who spent the day at the beach in Gaza. The propaganda machine of Israel was immediately started, and the world has received information that a mine planted by Hamas was the cause of the deaths.
It took Human Rights Watch sends up a military expert, former Pentagon adviser, Marc Garlasco, so that some media will echo his report: "The explanation of the Israeli army is deeply erroneous. Among the remains there was shrapnel on which was engraved 155MM. This type of projectile is used by Israel in the guns with which he regularly bombards northern Gaza
Convictions not followed by sanctions from the international community equivalent in collusion with rogue-state
The Sharpeville massacre provoked worldwide condemnation and the call for sanctions. In the following months, there have been various diplomatic initiatives, including the failure of France and the United Kingdom for the vote of the Security Council resolution calling for the end of apartheid (resolution S/4300) and the opposition of the U.S. representative, who has criticized the imposition of sanctions against South Africa and said that his country would oppose it.
For its part, the General Assembly, in its non-binding resolution, 1761, 1962, invites its members individually or collectively, to sever diplomatic ties with South Africa under the Charter, as well as trade boycott and similar measures.
In 1963, facing growing international trend to punish and isolate the apartheid regime, the U.S. ambassador to UN criticizes this position with the argument that it will not get the desired result and cause the intransigence of the South African government. However, minor measures are taken on the arms trade, and discussed whether the embargo should distinguish between weapons of repression and those of domestic defense, etc..
South Africa ignore Resolution 276 of 1970 Security Council, supported by the International Court of Justice, which declared illegal occupation of Namibia by South Africa. France and the United Kingdom abstained.
In 1976, there is a new massacre of hundreds of blacks, including many children, in Soweto. This causes a wave of international condemnation and some foreign companies are beginning to withdraw money from the country.
Desmond Tutu visited the USA in late 1984, where he criticized the policy of "constructive dialogue" in this country and said we could put an end to apartheid "tomorrow" with a firm policy. Meanwhile, it is in the repression of blacks and the firmness occurs: the government declares state of emergency in 1986 and police killed hundreds of protesters throughout the year.
Israel receives in the worst cases, convictions for similar acts and more cruel. However, it is not by the rhetoric of presidents, foreign ministers and secretaries general of the UN that justice will be served, but with strict enforcement of the law to cases of serious violations of human man.
In Palestine, there is no justice, but the international community expects there to be peace without working to establish this prerequisite is justice.
The state's response to protests rogue: repression without limits
In 1977, the leader of the Black Consciousness Movement, Stephen Biko was murdered in police custody. Immediately, the government arrested other leaders to avoid street demonstrations.
The list of assassinated Palestinian leaders both inside and outside of Palestine is long and prisoners is incredible: about 10,000. Detained for years without trial in many cases - what is known as administrative detention - and tortured, without any right to family visits, in abject conditions.
one is safe with a rogue state like Israel nor the Palestinians nor foreign militants to resist. Nor of course the children who have the misfortune to live in an area inhabited by a member of the resistance or passing through a street which runs a "targeted assassination".
In July 2002, an Israeli missile strike killed Hamas leader Salah Schéhadé, his wife, his children and several neighbors. In 2009, a criminal complaint filed in Spain against the perpetrators - who, of course, have been found either in Israel or elsewhere - which the English courts had no jurisdiction.
Israel has used harsher forms of repression against all forms of resistance, and not only the army, as wants to believe the Zionist propaganda (omitting it is legitimate against military occupation and return the calls "terrorists"), but against all Palestinians.
The figure of four hundred children killed by one of the strongest armies in the world during the attack in Gaza in a month between 2008 and 2009 gives a clear idea of what terrorism is. This is practiced every day for years by Israel and the "tomorrow" Tutu seems elusive for those who are still alive.
Villages Bi 'lin and Ni' Flax in the West Bank, known internationally for their events Peaceful and "non-violent resistance to occupation" against the separation wall, hundreds injured, many people arrested and dozens of deaths at the hands of the Army's most "moral world" and its Snipers, respectively. id = 948
Thanks to the international complicity, Israel and South Africa make fun of the embargo
In 1977, Resolution 418 Security Council said the arms trade with South Africa "a threat to peace" and adopt a mandatory embargo on them. It should be noted that apartheid is not declared a threat to peace, which is surprising, especially since he had been in effect since 1948, 30 years and that South Africa had attacked neighbors militarily.
Nevertheless, the worst is that the embargo has been a farce, largely because the Security Council established a sanctions committee, but without giving a monitoring system. It's hard to believe that the failure was inadvertent on the part of political status and experience commensurate with their duties to the Security Council.
According to the report of UN experts on the embargo and sanctions of 1999, "it is clear that arms continued to arrive in South Africa." The experts' conclusion is that "the arms embargo has failed to weaken the military capacity of South Africa. Instead, the racist regime has managed to increase its domestic production of weapons. There was a lot of information on arms trade secrets with other countries and the fact that the embargo is not universally respected. " committees / sanctions / Background.doc
Israel has played the biggest role in this violation of the embargo. Political and military exchanges between the two countries could not be closer, including relations with South African leaders who were Nazis and the joint development of technologies and nuclear weapons.
Prime Minister Rabin in Jerusalem in 1976 received the Prime Minister Vorster of South Africa, who had been interned in a concentration camp as a Nazi and British had sent his army to invade Angola. During the gala dinner Rabin toasted "the common ideal of justice and peaceful coexistence." Vorster responded by stating that "Israel and South Africa are victims of the enemies of Western civilization."
He was 35 years and the lies of governments have not changed, nor the unjust international relations. One can see interesting article (which the quotation above is extracted and which presents brief and precise manner the heart of the problem, also stated in several books): " Brothers in arms: Israel's secret pact with Pretoria ", by Chris McGreal, The Guardian published by February 7, 2006.
The USA, champions of rogue states and criminal
Far bilateral meetings in Jerusalem, the General Assembly is still facing the Security Council because of apartheid. The undemocratic veto of the five permanent members causes a deadlock in decision of the majority. It adopted a recommendation in 1977 oil embargo against South Africa, but once again the U.S., Britain, France and other powerful countries abstained.
In 1981, with the arrival of Reagan to the U.S. presidency, the U.S. State Department announced a policy of "constructive dialogue with South Africa," a foreign policy that immediately reminds one of the Spain today.
In reality, it meant so support for South Africa, as now, it supports Israel. Obama said the same thing when the President of Lebanon the latter's visit to Washington in December 2009, referring to peace in the region: "What we share is a commitment to solve these problems through dialogue and negotiation rather than violence." [ 2009/12/27/obama-and-suleiman- forget the rhetoric-let-the-face and-the-money-Tell-the-story / ]
The U.S. was even prepared to go further. In the same year 1981 they broke with the common requirement of their allies - Britain, France, Germany and Canada - to the South Africa to implement the UN plan for Namibian independence and bind to withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola.
In the years following the two world powers, the U.S. and the Soviet Union clash in southern African countries interposed, receiving arms supplies from each other.
Israel has for many years the largest recipient of military aid Americans. Once the Soviet Union disappeared, the U.S., now become supplier Universal, signed in August 2007 an agreement with Israel granting military aid to $ 30 billion over the next ten years. The same supplier provided another military agreement with its Arab allies (Egypt and Saudi Arabia) 20 billion.
According New York Times , officials from the State Department have described the aid of "a long-term investment in peace." [ 08/16/world/middleeast/16cnd- israel.html? _r = 1 & hp ]
can appreciate the genuine commitment of Americans for Peace in the Middle East today, as we saw in South Africa yesterday, during the final assault Israel against Lebanon in 2006:
In July of that year, the U.S. is blocking a condemnation of Israel by the UN and was the only one of fifteen members of the Security Council to block the request of Lebanese appeal the cease-fire and other measures relating to cessation of the Israeli attack against Lebanon.
In August 2006 they stepped sends to Israel with sophisticated weapons of the type used in its air attacks, particularly laser-guided bombs and satellite, while multiplying the statements of his Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the UN ambassador, Bolton on "Israel's right to defend itself," "the main cause of the problem is Hezbollah," the president does not take decisions on military issues related to Israel "gathered by agencies worldwide (Reuters, AP, Al Jazeera, etc.).
The international community supports the State Criminal
In 1985, the governor of the central bank of South Africa went to Europe in search of help to solve the financial crisis in his country, but finds no support. In turn the gold mine worker announce a strike to increase pressure.
Israeli politicians travel a lot in these times to the West, though more or less hidden in the light of complaints that poured in from various countries to bring his message of "self defense", "war against Islamic terrorism" and " attachment to the peace process ", to counter their image among the citizens of these countries.
Unfortunately, they are received and worse, they multiply and improve the agreements of all kinds in all areas between the EU and Israel in spite of international and European laws provide for the suspension of cooperation with countries that seriously violate human rights.
U.S. support for Israel is the most notorious, but it is a grave mistake to think that the EU has a minor role. The information provided does not leave room for doubt:
"The EU and Israel are committed to developing a close partnership that is beneficial in trade policy, and finance, including cooperation on social, scientific, technological and cultural.
The objective of the action plan is to gradually integrate Israel into European policies and programs. Each step taken will be by mutual agreement and plan of action is designed to reflect the interests and priorities of Israel and its level of development. " Relations / Israel / index_en.htm Relations / Israel / index_en.htm
No matter that the Euro-Mediterranean signed between the EU and Israel, published in June 2000 in the Official Journal European Communities in its first article states that one purpose of the agreement is "to promote regional cooperation, with the aim of strengthening peaceful coexistence and economic and political stability. "
His second article declares that" relations between the partners and the provisions of this agreement must be based on respect for human rights and democratic principles which guide their domestic and international policy and constitutes an element Most of this Agreement " eu / english / content / eu_and_ Country / asso_agree_en . pdf eu / english / content / eu_and_ Country / asso_agree_en . pdf
Spain has agreements of cooperation in military, energy, agriculture, environment, culture, education, taxation and tourism contributing effectively to the Israeli military occupation.
In 1985, the South African government banned the media from reporting on events in areas designated as being in a state of emergency and restricts the movement of journalists.
The British newspaper The Guardian said January 10, 2009, that "during the two weeks of bombardment of the Gaza Strip, most journalists were kept away for safety reasons. The Israelis seem satisfied with the result " Reporters world/2009/jan/10/gaza-israel--foreign journalists Reporters world/2009/jan/10/gaza-israel--foreign journalists
In Europe, there are no protests or of complaints against this violation of freedom of information, and there was not in Spain against the inability to access from computers at public libraries websites of Hamas, because technicians have orders policymakers to block access to pages of the resistance. With censorship here and the lack of information on Palestine, the main English newspapers pontificate about the Islamist problem in the Middle East.
Collaboration and support does not happen only between governments, many other state institutions also cooperate in their own field: mainly businesses but also unions, universities, associations, etc..
The Dialogue constructive, "a green light to Israel's crimes
In 1986, South African commandos attacking centers of the ANC in Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia; Botha justifies these" legitimate attacks against terrorism .
There were four years Israel had invaded Lebanon to attack the bases of Fatah, leaving tens of thousands dead and displaced, and damage to property. ViewDetails.aspx? id = 212235 ViewDetails.aspx? id = 212235
Desmond Tutu pointed to the failure of the new policy of "constructive dialogue" of Reagan, calls for international economic sanctions and declares that "there is no guarantee that they can fall apartheid, but is the only non-violent option left to us and Chances are that it works. "
In 1989, Mobil, the only major company still present in South Africa, announced its withdrawal. Several companies are taking steps in this direction toward Israel, but progress is slow. Can be viewed on this website BDS Movement: = node / 4
In 1989, Mobil, the only major company still present in South Africa, announced its withdrawal. Several companies are taking steps in this direction toward Israel, but progress is slow. Can be viewed on this website BDS Movement: = node / 4

In 1989, Mandela remained in prison, is left with Botha in his office in Cape Town. Israel still refuses to meet with representatives democratically elected Palestinian legislative elections of 2006, under the gaze of international observers, who have attested to their validity.
treatment by Israel of Palestinian leaders who are not employees, is to eliminate them through "targeted killings" (Abu Ali Mustafa, G Kanafani, Ahmed Yassin, Abdel Aziz Rantisi etc..) Or to confine them to life (Arafat, Mr. Barghouti, A. Saadat, etc..). The
11 February 1990 Mandela was released without conditions, but it maintains its request to the international community to maintain pressure on South Africa, arguing that lifting the Sanctions might stop the process towards the total end of apartheid.
Four days later, 20,000 Afrikaners in Pretoria against the manifest liberation. During the summer of 2005, ten thousand settlers demonstrate near Gaza against the disengagement in Gaza.
The Western press has not reported that, under international law, the withdrawal does not mean the end of military occupation, as is control of territory and not the position of the occupant, who defines it. / story.php? st4761855 & ps / story.php? st4761855 & ps
The rogue state uses every means at its disposal
the early 90s there has been an upsurge in violence between ANC members and those of Inkatha, killing hundreds deaths. Mandela and other ANC leaders accuse the police of siding with the IFP against the ANC and, in an effort to promote ethnic differences and weaken the ANC in its negotiations with the government.
After the elections in the territories occupied in 2006, some of the actions of the Israeli government, strongly backed by foreign actors, particularly U.S. envoys have been to promote with great intensity the Palestinian infighting between the two major parties Fatah and Hamas, with the same result: dozens of deaths, increased violence, and enormous damage to the cause National, which plays in favor of the instigators.
The 1 st September 1990 is released the investigation report of Judge Richard Goldstone on the death of 18 demonstrators by police gunfire, which took place in March prior to Sebokeng. The report criticized the police action and said the police used force "excessive and disproportionate to any legitimate purpose she might have had. " OMalley / index.php / site / q / 03lv02039/04lv02040/05lv02041. htm OMalley / index.php / site / q / 03lv02039/04lv02040/05lv02041. htm
Goldstone could not suspect that 20 years later he would repeat his research in Israel and the Occupied Territories on the attack in Gaza to a much larger scale. Although this report has helped him forge an international reputation Israel and its allies have criticized and did everything they could to discredit him and of course to deny the logical conclusions of his report: to make the cornerstone of a trial before the international bodies responsible for crimes war and against humanity.
The strength of popular resistance, firmness until victory
In February 1991, the countries of the European Community decide to lift the economic sanctions once the South African Parliament has repealed three basic laws of apartheid, but Mandela immediate threat of a general mobilization to prevent foreign investment if the agreement is concluded.
During the next two years (during which the sanctions will be partially lifted) Mandela did not publicly demand an end to sanctions, which occurs September 25, 1993.
Two weeks before Arafat and Rabin signed with President Clinton, the Declaration of Principles, also known as the Washington Accord. There is no requirement for Israel to recognize the national rights of the Palestinian people, to respect the right of return of refugees to abandon the occupation, but simply to agree to negotiate with the Palestinians.
These, in turn, agree to begin talks with the occupier and aggressor in exchange for a renunciation of the international law and oversight of United Nations resolutions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Today, we can not observe without surprise and annoyance the route taken by the Palestinian Authority during the wasted years "talking" from a position of weakness charged with a very powerful and implacable enemy.
In 1993, Mandela and De Klerk received the Nobel Prize for Peace in May 1994 the first is elected as the first democratically elected president of South Africa.
In June 1994 the Security Council to lift the arms embargo and Pretoria is readmitted to the United Nations and all its agencies.
In 1994, Arafat, Rabin and Peres receive the Nobel Peace Prize and the Prince of Asturias Award for Concord.
Since then, the situation for Palestinians has not moved, on the contrary, it has deteriorated considerably and in some respects can be regarded as catastrophic. to 63 years have passed since the establishment of the State Israel, during which its position in the international arena has increased.
Palestinian leaders embarked on the negotiations there have not won anything except a way to earn a living. Palestinian resistance opposed to these negotiations was regularly and severely punished by Israel and its allies. However, it maintains dignity and does not stop, so that through it, the situation is not worse.
International law, apartheid, Zionism and the military occupation
Apartheid was condemned by General Assembly of the United Nations in its resolution 1761 of 1962, as a violation of the UN Charter and a threat to peace and security.
Zionism was condemned by the UN General Assembly in 1975 "as a form of racism and racial discrimination", in its resolution 3379. In 1991 it became the only UN resolution that has been revoked and since then the situation has progressively worsened for the Palestinians.
military occupation by Israel of Palestinian territories has been declared illegal by the Council United Nations Security, including Resolution 242, which declares inadmissible the acquisition of land by the war and demanding the withdrawal of the Israeli army occupied territories in June 1967.
Many Israeli Jews born in other countries, including their nationality, receive 87% of the Palestinian territories, while the natives are forced to live in isolated parts of each other in the remaining 13% without freedom of movement in what is also known as Palestinian Bantustans.
The system of apartheid in South Africa as a military occupation in Palestine, are contrary to international law and countless documents can be seen from the United Nations and its subsidiary bodies. One can see " The United Nations in the fight against apartheid " and " The question of Palestine at the United Nations "
However, this recognition has little use for its victims, as well as international law demands that UN member countries are acting against these systems with the means at their disposal to eradicate them, history shows that quite the contrary they have done for many years in the South African case and continue to do so in the case of Palestine.
The political situation of blacks in South Africa changed in 1994, with the end of apartheid and the presidency of Nelson Mandela, but the Palestinians, who have also experienced an apparent turning point in 1994 with the arrival of Arafat the occupied territories and the Palestinian Authority presidency, has deteriorated since then until an extreme situation, especially in Gaza.
Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town, said after the last of his travels in Palestine, "to pass through the checkpoints I remembered how it had spent in my country under apartheid: the arrogance of police and soldiers, you depend on their willingness to go or not. But there are things that are happening in Israel and have never spent in South Africa of apartheid, for example, collective punishment. " books/2009/may/28/hay- festival tutu-Israel -Palestine-solution books/2009/may/28/hay- festival tutu-Israel -Palestine-solution
These collective punishments are a war crime under international law, particularly the laws of war and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. According to the law, Palestinians under occupation are protected persons and the collective punishment that Israel applies to them is a war crime.
punishment for war criminals, issued in the trials of Nuremberg and Tokyo, is the death penalty, which can be commuted to life imprisonment.
More war crimes against humanity and Israel in Palestine are repeaters, as elsewhere in the Middle East, an increasing number of countries signed the UN Charter, without abandoning it, amend their national legislation for prevent their judges to act against those responsible.
Spain is among them. This happened with The Law 6 / 1985 of 1 July, the judiciary, in particular article 23.4. Read: Spain: A blow against justice Universal by Javier Álvarez Chinchón
The United Nations and sanctions against apartheid and military occupation
Lax inexhaustible of the international community and the vital support of the U.S. and EU European Israel are in contrast with dozens of resolutions of the Security Council on South Africa, which has been subjected to various types of pressure from this community from 1960 to 1994.
The international community, euphemism for the U.S. and its cronies, still does not respond to the enormity of the crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinians since 1948 and the countries of the region, including Lebanon in a cruel 2006.
There are no similar cases in the world for the duration - from the time of the creation of the State of Israel there are 62 years - and for the cruelty of the millions of refugees without possibility of return, thousands of dead, wounded, imprisoned, tortured, expelled from their homes without recourse to justice or right to compensation , of successive generations under military occupation, with the destruction of homes, property, crops, infrastructure ...
It is clear that Israel has no qualms about committing many violations it wishes, nor shrink from their gravity, rather, because he knows we do not deem it to . Gaza has recently been a perfect example of international complicity with Israel, if still needed after more than sixty years of tolerance.
All this in front of the Security Council of the United Nations, specifically with the United Nations Charter as "the primary responsibility of maintaining peace and security".
The Charter says that "in discharging these duties the Security Council will act consistent with the purposes and principles of the United Nations."
It also states that "Members of the United Nations agree to accept and implement decisions of Security Council under the present Charter ".
The head of Israeli impunity, what are the U.S., a permanent member of the Security Council, the country most powerful on land and main supporter of Israel, which continues to oppose vetoes all resolutions condemning Israel.
These are the states, individually and together, especially within the United Nations, who hold the legal instruments of coercion and force necessary to maintain peace and respect for human rights worldwide.
Therefore, besides being contrary to international law and common sense, it is immoral and harmful to the welfare of humanity and the ideals of justice, freedom, equality and progress for all people, whether states that allow and even encourage Israel in many ways.
There are several measures and international sanctions against the political systems of the type described here, which were used in different contexts: component/content/article/202 / 42346.html (Laws and regulations applicable in the case of sanctions and the role of international organizations)
Sanctions can be diplomatic, economic and military. What I want to emphasize here, is first that these measures are designed to be used when the gravity of the situation so requires, on the other hand it is a tactic, not an end.
can not hold up against the implementation of such measures an alleged right of Israel to defend itself, let alone the existence of a peace process, which is lower in respect of international law (which more is constantly violated by Israel), much less a war against an alleged Islamist threat.
crimes Israel has committed and still commits no prospect of termination requires the immediate application of sanctions by other countries to stop and prevent their proliferation.
Once this is achieved, the measures will disappear, since what is sought is to isolate a government that, for its own account or with the support of his people, seriously undermines the UN Charter.
The boycott campaign oranges "blood (air) are" South African Outspan had started in the Netherlands
The BDS campaign against Israel and experience the South African case
Given the persistence of grave violations of human rights and international law by Israel and the complicity of the international community, a growing number of people worldwide are found alongside the victim to try to end these violations.
In the case of South Africa, like governments, international institutions and large corporations have remained silent and very slowly joined the fight weight more or less organized, they were individuals in small groups through free associations and small-scale activities that have increased over time and have earned the respect and strength, who led the fight against injustice, inhumanity and impunity.
It is not a struggle against the Israelis, nor against the South Africans, or of a struggle against the Jews, that is a manifestation of anti-Semitism, as it was not a against whites, because they were white, but an act of discrimination against Palestinians in Israel and the military occupation by that of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
This grassroots movement is known as motion or BDS, which means in English, global movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions for Palestine.
As mentioned in this site, "July 9, 2005, after the advisory opinion rendered by the International Court of Justice on the wall separating Israel is building illegally on Palestinian land, the vast majority of Palestinian citizens called on citizens of the world concerned about the situation in Palestine for boycott of Israel, the same way we boycotted South Africa under apartheid, until it fully complies with international law and recognizes the inalienable right of Palestinians to self determination. "
With this movement both Palestinian and international supporters are trying to pressure Israel to end peacefully to occupation and aggression against Palestinians. As shown, one of the pillars of the campaign is precisely the point in the history of the boycott against South Africa.
The Israeli attack against Gaza crazy between December 2008 and January 2009, which caused 20 times more deaths than Sharpeville, more than 5,000 injured and incalculable damage, gave impetus to the BDS movement, which five years of age.
The role of citizens and realize the risks they take
While Western politicians continue their farce of peace and dialogue between aggressor and victim, thousands of people were arrested in the mid-eighties in many cities around the world have demonstrated in favor of the Freedom Movement in South Africa. Today
BDS supporters face a serious threat to their own authorities. The number of those who are persecuted in Western democracies increases. The mayor of the French town of Seclin, Jean-Claude Willem, called for boycotting Israel. He was tried and sentenced to a fine of 1000 euros in 2002, but his punishment did not stop there. Having brought the case before the European Court of Human Rights, he lost again, because it believed that its action "amounted to a discriminatory and therefore reprehensible."
Read: About the decision of the European Court of Justice against Jean-Claude Willem
Read: About the decision of the European Court of Justice against Jean-Claude Willem
Five Scottish BDS activists are judged these days for "racist" for a protest against Israeli siege Band Gaza. They interrupted a performance at the Edinburgh International Festival in 2008, the Jerusalem Quartet, composed of four musicians who display the title of "cultural ambassadors" of the State of Israel and "distinguished musicians Forces Israel Defense Forces. "
repression against supporters of BDS occurs in Spain, where the police violently cracked down on militants in several cities have expressed their support for a peaceful boycott of Israel.
Israel increased pressure on NATO governments to continue and suppress actions BDS. For this he uses again the tired argument of "rising anti-Semitism in Europe," the threat to destroy Israel, "" international terrorist links. "
Do not eat oranges bloodstained by Juan Kalvellido, Tlaxcala
The heinous crimes committed by Israel in Gaza there is a little more one year, have once again reminded those who care about human rights, he is not morally acceptable and can not be reasonably expected of international institutions or governments to comply with the law they themselves have taken to preserve these rights by the United Nations:
"We the peoples of the United Nations,
- Determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war which twice in the space of a human life has inflicted on humanity untold suffering
- to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,
- to create the conditions necessary for the maintenance of justice and respect for obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law, "
Moreover, well before the assault on Gaza, Israel has engaged in its 62 year history of violations of international law, and nothing indicates that it will terminate without external intervention.
Therefore with the example of what happened to apartheid in South Africa in the last century, it is urgent to unite and organize themselves with the victims, the Palestinians today, as yesterday blacks to stop such violations.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Eczema In Breastfed Baby
some news
no no, I have (almost) not stopped the blog, I just enjoyed a week's holiday chill out.
we started bubbling to the stadium with a rugby stadium French / racing was absolutely terrible past few days in Britain (although it was too hot, anything).
then concert énormissime K's Choice (it was good, it was hot only sweat and happiness). followed by a concert of Editors, where it was practically the best seats in the Olympia, it was downright royal. small repeats, nice evening for the day lily, day tennis for the gentleman.
and that's done, back to reality and deal with 100 emails for the last year (and I'm not even exaggerating, that's the worst).
tomorrow I'll have a small pedal (for my babasse), it will comfort me? we may make strange sounds throughout the evening by telling crap with m. is it already.
no no, I have (almost) not stopped the blog, I just enjoyed a week's holiday chill out.
we started bubbling to the stadium with a rugby stadium French / racing was absolutely terrible past few days in Britain (although it was too hot, anything).
then concert énormissime K's Choice (it was good, it was hot only sweat and happiness). followed by a concert of Editors, where it was practically the best seats in the Olympia, it was downright royal. small repeats, nice evening for the day lily, day tennis for the gentleman.
and that's done, back to reality and deal with 100 emails for the last year (and I'm not even exaggerating, that's the worst).
tomorrow I'll have a small pedal (for my babasse), it will comfort me? we may make strange sounds throughout the evening by telling crap with m. is it already.
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